Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rusty Kennedy's "Speech" Before the Fullerton City Council

Give this man a tele-prompter

As most residents of Southern California know, the Fullerton Police Dept. is caught up in a major scandal over the beating death of a homeless man in July. Enter the head of the Orange County Human Relations Commission, Rusty "the empty suit" Kennedy. Courtesy of Friends of Fullerton's Future website, here is a video of Kennedy speaking before the Fullerton City Council on the matter.

Are you kidding me? This guy, who is the CEO of the OC Human Relations Commission, needs a prepared speech to give his 3 minute allotted blurb before the city council-to say essentially nothing? Note that one of the first words out of his mouth were that he was on  vacation when all this happened.

That's what $300,000 a year of taxpayers' money buys, folks.


  1. You ever read Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy? In the first chapter, reference is made to a method of analysis which can take the speech of an official (in this case, an imperial representative called Lord Dorwin), identify mutually exclusive statements that cancel each other out, delete meaningless noncommital remarks, and get down to the real content, if any. Applied in Asimov's scenario, it showed that in two weeks of an "official visit," offering various hoped-for assurances, Lord Dorwin said absolutely 100% of nothing. Rusty Kennedy reminds me of that analysis.

  2. Siarlys, unfortunate for the us, the taxpayers, Rusty frequently makes mutually exclusive statements and has yet to delete his meaningless self. rusty is parodied by michael mcdonald of MadTV as Rusty Miller of CSU fullerton. Rusty Miller hosts his own show broadcast from CSU Fullerton titled "This n That".

  3. You ought to propose paying him by the net meaning of all the public statements he makes in the course of a month. You could save a lot of money that way.
