Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Orange County District Attorney Releases Evidence in "Irvine 11" Trial

Hat tip to OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism.

Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas has released evidence introduced in the recently-concluded "Irvine 11" Trial. The below link from the OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism has the links to the DA's site. This evidence is now part of public record.

The emails and MSU communications  included in the exhibits show that the disruption was planned, and that a post-event cover-up occurred in that the story line would be that the MSU itself did not organize the disruption rather that students acted on their own. There is a video of the incident, as well as a video after the event in which MSU members are told by their leader that they had pretty much "shut it down" and that they should proceed to the Cross Cultural Center on the UCi campus for a "debriefing".



  1. When carefully looking at the email traffic of the MSU, one can see the very careful planning to disrupt the presentation. Also, the videos are telling, in that the MSU thought they were very successful in their well planned venture. Check out the video after the disruption, where they wanted to go to the UCI "ccc" to debrief the success of their venture. Remember, the MSU is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is chilling to see want measures they take to dismantle our First Amendments Rights. Shame on the Dean of the UCI Law School and shame on the OC Register who would try to fool the citizens of Orange County into thinking that these poor MSU members will have a criminal record. I am very happy these MSU, Muslim Brotherhood types got what they deserved, for violating Constitutional law.



  2. This is additional email evidence makes the case all the more compelling. Not only does it show the extent of the planning, the weighing of alternatives and various consequences and expectations, it also shows that they sought counsel beforehand. Presumably, their professional mentors had no problems with this conspiracy to shut down the address by the Israeli ambassador at UCI.

    There is the flat out lying about the MSU's involvement because they are concerned that the University may punish the organization. So they instruct the participants to say that they were all spontaneous outbursts.

    This lying is interstitial in the Muslims. As opposed to Western civilization they have no concern that they will be exposed as liars. It is an obvious cultural difference, not to be minimized. It is the same posed pictures of victims that fill the newspapers. They are only too happy to strike any pose that will make them look more damaged and pathetic. Muslim lying is a talent that the Left is oblivious to, as they publish as many of these lies as they are told.

  3. The emails expose them as the wantabe rebels that they are.

    Few of their supporters will bother reading the evidence or what was the intent of the students.

    They will go along and say xxxx was heckled, why isn't the person who interupted him facing criminal prosecution.

    These kids acted like jerks and thought they were doing something honorable by preventing free discusion at a university and were punished. But their supporters are pretending the students are victims.

    The student supporters will try to change the conversation from the kids acting like three year olds to the world is out to get Muslims.

    So I think not bringing up the students' religion and just saying the students were wrong is a better approach. That way they cannot try to change the topic.

  4. It also clearly exposes the obvious lie about the disruption not being planned and carried out by the MSU itself.

    Exhibit 8 (internal MSU Board email) ("For those who did not attend the meeting, after extensive discussion, we decided that we will be staging a University of Chicago style disruption of the Ambassador's speech.")

    Exhibit 9 (internal MSU Board email) ("So now that we have voted on one method of action, we all go through with this together....together as one people.")

    Exhibit 27 (internal MSU Board email) ( "with regards to whether this is an official MSU thing or not, obviously it internally is a move we are making as a people but for all intensive [sic] purposes to the outside, we are individuals acting on our own accord. the reason we are making this distinction is to put up an obstacle for admin to come after mse as a campus org afterwards.")

    Exhibits 30 (internal email)("remember MSU did not officially put this on ... it was individual students")

    Exhibit 34 (response to press inquiry) (In response to your question about our involvement, the MSU did NOT organize the protest to the the invitation of the Israeli ambassador to speak at UCI, and the individuals who spoke did so action on their own accord")

    Exhibit 35 (internal email) ( "I ask that everyone please for the time being not share anything from MSU emails or MSU meetings with regards to discussion about the Oren event.")

    This, to me, is organized lying that the whole organization either participated in or did not stop. Maybe one person turned over the emails to the prosecution but, still, a hundred or two members went along with it as a matter of course. After all, they can't just let anyone come on their campus and say whatever he wants (almost a direct quote from their emails).

  5. Such long-winded comments intent on substantiating the obvious.

    Are you protesting or what? They were all convicted, right? And sentenced?

  6. The reason I post this and the reason the DA released the evidence is that there is a major effort going on to praise the students and what they did, as well as condemn the DA for bringing charges. It is reasonable that all the facts and evidence be known to the public.

  7. Well that's pretty simple. It doesn't take a lot of long-winded rhetoric. "Here's the videos, see for yourself." Simple.

    Although, frankly, the wounded victim rhetoric hasn't been particularly credible. We already knew what they did. Who, other than the usual suspects, do you think is buying this?
