Monday, September 19, 2011

George Kaiser: The Man in the Middle of Solyndra

It's the same old story. Follow the money. In the case of Solyndra, the guy to look at is George Kaiser, bundler for Obama's 2008 campaign, contributor of some $53,000 to the campaign and major investor in Solyndra. And Daily Caller has more. Kaiser was also a supporter of the University of Chicago Medical Center (where Michelle Obama used to work).  More specifically, he donated to the Urban Health Initiative at the medical center, which was established  by Michelle Obama among others. Of course, the names Valerie Jarret and David Axelrod also crop up.

What do you Obama Kool Aid drinkers have to say about that?

"All a coincidence, right?"

"Oh, they all do it, right?"

But wasn't Obama supposed to be "different"?

"Hope and Change"?

Why should we have expected any different from one schooled in the art of Chicago politics? It's called "pay to play".


  1. Siarlhys,

    A nuclear bomb just dropped on Milwaukee. so what.

  2. As usual Gary, you are misinformed. It has not.

  3. Incidentally, one reason I ask "So what?" is that both parties seem innured to digging up little pecadillos about each other in hopes that this is what will tip voters one way or the other come next election. Call it "Watergate Envy." Republicans would like to pull off something that big, and Democrats would like an encore. I'm sorry, it has to be really, really big before voters really care all that much.

    Did Larry Craig cost the Republicans Idaho? Weiner's district wasn't asking him to go, but Pelosi was, because him sitting there was in the way of her using the next slip a Republican came up with against THEM. It's all a little silly. You're doing the same.

  4. It also "just so happens" that the defense firms for the Solyndra defendants are also loaded with Obama campaign bundlers.

    Looks like they are they are circling the wagons with true believers.

    The election can't come soon enough.

  5. That hospital also just happens to be the one Michelle Obama got a $300,000 RAISE once her husband was politically connected. The hospital got a million dollar grant shortly thereafter. Her job there was some kind of "Outreach Coordinator" which was so crucial to the facility that they didn't even fill the position again once she left for Washington. That's Chicago low life politics that they brought to Washington.

    These dirty inside deals and taking all they can from the government for themselves and their cronies is not only low class but despicable. Only now the losses are in the BILLIONS.

    The election just can't come soon enough.

  6. Yes, after the election, Miggie will have to shut up about denying Obama a second term. I would favor a fresh Republican voice in 2016 to follow Obama, because he has not reformed the Democratic Party as he promised to. None of the current contenders qualify, except maybe Huntsman. A Republican who could do a decent job for the country, while the Democrats take a defeat as cause to reshape themselves, could be a good net result for 2020 or 2024.

    Or maybe by then we'll have a decent third party -- my kind, not Miggie's.
