Monday, August 29, 2011

The Hypocrisy of Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett

You remember that rich guy, Warren Buffett who has been going around telling fellow millionaires that they need to pay higher taxes? You know Buffett, the second-richest guy in America?


Well, guess what. It seems that Buffett's company owes back taxes going back to 2002. Read the NY Post story below:

This is just another example of the hypocrisy of people who say we need to raise taxes on the rich. Buffett is in the tank for President Obama and his merry band of Beltway Bandits. While he lectures others to pay more, he cheats on his own taxes-just like that whippersnapper of a Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner.

Rachel Maddow look-a-like

You see, it's not just billionaires like Buffett or even millionaires who are being told they don't pay their fair share. The plain and simple fact is that our government couldn't fix the deficit if they confiscated all the wealth of every billionaire and millionaire in this country. That's why Obama wants to raise taxes on anyone making over $250,000 a year. I  have news for you. That includes a lot of small businesses across the country. It probably includes the local hardware store or many of the bars or restaurants you go to-maybe even your local McDonald's franchise. Are they rich too? Do you think if that local restaurant has to pay higher taxes they might just have to let one or two workers go?

Now we have Obama preparing his announcement of his next big....JOBS BILL. Make that budget-busting spending bill. He doesn't care if he bankrupts the country; then he can build it back up according to his socialist image. It's like visiting modern-day Berlin. All those gleaming glass buildings on Potsdamer Platz were only made possible by the Soviets and the Allies pounding the city into rubble in 1945.

But I digress. At least now this pompous Buffett character has been exposed for what he is-a hypocrite.


  1. It would take a very big hardware store to net $250,000 of adjusted gross income for the owner. Most hardware stores are chain franchises. I am familiar with some McDonald's franchise owners. They tend to be quite wealthy people who own large clumps, who spend only about 1/16 of their revenue paying their employees.

    Yes, by all means, increase their taxes. Gary, you are running the classic Big Lie of the wealthy American, and you don't even qualify for membership in the club. But, they get people who won't lose out in the least frightened that their little pittance will be taken away, and thereby, those who have much more than a pittance get away with murder.

    You are also continuing to conflate gross revenue from a business, which may indeed be a million dollars or two, with the income that an owner actually gets to put in their personal bank account and spend, which may be only about $30,000 or so.

    President Obama knows the difference. You apparently don't.

  2. That was a very weak opinion piece. I cannot believe many find it persuasive in any way and I am not really even sure what it is trying to argue. It it an attempt to discredit Buffett as a message?

    Buffett was talking about personal taxes, not corp taxes.

    And many businesses defer payment on taxes, which it looks like this article is talking about.

  3. But if Buffet owes taxes, or his company does, by all means, he should pay them. Now, getting back to a sensible tax policy for the USA...
