Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Celebrity Endorsements-Barney Frank for Maalox

Barney Frank here to speak to you about a very important product-especially for you politicians that go on TV all the time to speak down to the masses. Maalox.

You know, there aren't too many things I do well, but when it comes to sh-----' and fartin'-I'm a champ. However, there are those times when you need to hold it in-like when you're being interviewed live on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show. (They have standards, you know.) Just recently, I made the mistake of appearing on Rachel's show just after I had run out of Maalox. Here's what happened.


Heh, heh. Rachel almost got suspended over that one. The only thing that saved her was that everybody else was suspended that week.

Anyway, if you don't want that to happen to you, take my advice. Keep a large economy-size jar handy at all times. You can get a 6-month supply at CostCo (3-month supply for me). That way, you won't let flatulence get in the way of important tasks like destroying the banks, taking care of Maxine Waters' husband, or cleaning up parking tickets in front of my boyfriend's brothel, er Washington apartment, or hiding my other boyfriend's marijuana patch up in Maine, or taking care of my other boyfriend's business at Fannie Mae.

Gotta go now. Rachel's waiting to interview me.

Aaaaaaaaah. That was a good one.


  1. I always thought that dear Barney would be hawking Preparation H.

  2. Just can't get enough of that, can you Gary?

    And I don't even like Barney Frank.
