Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Ed (Schultz) Decries Those Bush Tax Cuts

MSNBC Butter and Egg Man Ed Schultz

This just in from....

The ED Show......

Yes, MSNBC's Butter and Egg Man, Ed Schultz, just informed us tonight on his dopey show that we are coming up on some anniversary of the Bush tax cuts. You know, that idea that let all of us keep more of OUR money.

Ed "reminded" us that the tax cuts hurt the government, and that we had to borrow money to cover the "costs" of letting all of us keep more of OUR money.

He ended by offering his "congratulations" to tax cuts and his wish that we will never see them again.

Confession is good for the soul, eh Ed?

1 comment:

  1. Ed is correct, as you would know if you would do more "hard math" and less "right wing sociology."

    When Bush said "Let's give the surplus back to the people" we were in hock for five trillion dollars. But, as Cheney told him, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."

    So, instead of paying the mortgage, we were encouraged to take "our money" and go on a spending spree.

    Let's try this: allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, with the provision that the revenue this produces will ALL be allocated to PAYING DOWN THE NATIONAL DEBT. Any of you "fiscal conservatives" care to object?
