Thursday, June 30, 2011

US Lists Israel as Sponsor of Terrorism

That's right, folks. ICE has included Israel on a list of countries that sponsor terrorism. Dick Morris (ugh) has the report.

Here is the document linked by the Grendel Report:

Do you still think that the Obama administration is a friend of Israel?


  1. Frankly, almost ANY nation in the world is, to some extent, a sponsor of terrorism. Mossad would be guilty of gross incompetence if they didn't indulge in a bit of terrorism now and then. All governments, political parties, and secret agencies, justify their own extra-legal acts of violence on grounds of the greater good, the implacable threat of the enemies targeted, and the fact that the other side does it in larger volume and with less care for innocent civilians.

    Judged by any objective standard, all have a point. Judged by their own subjective standard, all are righteous. Which simply highlights why the whole notion of compiling such lists is absurd.

  2. Coming at the time the administration says it will recognize the Muslim Brotherhood it raises the question of whether Israel can survive this administration.

    Obama alienates our allies and befriends our enemies. Our foreign policy is as bad as our domestic economic policy. This shows what happens when liberals govern.

  3. Anonymous,

    Better check your 'Kool-Aid" for psychotropic drugs!


  4. Miggie,

    Always remember, Obama wrote in his "Audacity of Hope": "I will side with the Muslims". Obama is keeping his promise. When Obama takes North Korea off the list, one wonders what is up his sleeve. North Korea supplied Nuke technology and Nuke material to Syria, which is one of four State sponsors of terrorism, according to the U.S.
    North Korea also set off Nukes in their country despite the sanctions and directives of the UN. This shows how arbitrary our government can be.


  5. Squid, I've noted every time you repeated that bold faced lie about Obama saying "I will side with the Muslims":

    Miggie said that before. Ingrid and I both challenged him for a page number. We looked it up. It says no such thing. Miggie lied. I don't often say Miggie lied. I usually say he is confused, distorting the facts, but credit him with credibly believing his own propaganda. In this case, he lied. You do your own credibility no favors by repeating the lie.

    I would post a link, but the search function within Fousesquawk doesn't seem to turn up string within comments, only within posts.

    Anonymous: you make statements even more generalized than Miggie, with even less evidence to back them up. Referring us to a slanted web site that you like to parrot doesn't count. Post something here, laying out specific facts. I doubt you can find any.

    I will say, however, that Israel is badly in need of some tough love. They can't count on saying "I want everything my way or else" and expect U.S. taxpayers to keep footing the bill for their folly.

  6. Siarlys,

    Before you did yourself any deeper let me recite from my faulty memory the context in which Obama said it. He was referring to the idea that Muslims would become some sort of persecuted minority in the US-that he would stand with the Muslims. That itself isn't unreasonable, but appears to many that his sympathies extend beyond that into other conflicts and issues.

  7. Gary, before you dig yourself in any deeper, LOOK IT UP ON THE THREADS OF YOUR OWN SITE.

    I may have made an error in saying Miggie lied first. It may have been Squid all along, even the first time. If so, I'm sorry I pinned Squid's lie on Miggie. To each their own faults, etc.

    But whichever of them said it, when pressed, gave a page number, and I looked it up, so did Ingrid. There was NO substance that remotely resembled what Squid or Miggie had said. None. Your faulty memory making up something you think might have been said doesn't make up the difference.

  8. Siarlys must be off his meds again. I don't recall my ever writing that Obama would stand with the Muslims. He probably would but I don't recall writing that anywhere. It isn't that hard to find out what he said. It is clear where his sympathies lie. He is more concerned about non-existent attacks on Muslims than the actual attacks they performed daily around the world.

    The actual quote from the book is from page 261 and is as follows: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

  9. I don't have much to say but I would like to have Miggie explain how Obama alienates our allies. It's wishful thinking on his, Garys and Sqids part but not necessarily true. Come to Europe and hear how people think about Israel and Obama, you'll be surprised. Your hate for our president is pathetic.

  10. Ingrid,

    I was just in Europe (Germany and Switzerland) I have a pretty good feel for the European views toward Israel and Obama. I can only speak for myself, but I don't hate Obama. I strongly disagree with his policies and where he wants to take our country.

  11. Ingrid, your wish has come true. I'll explain how Obama alienates our a allies. The best indicator is how often the ally votes with the US in the UN. It is an uncomfortable (for you) fact of life, easily confirmed, that israel votes with the US more often than any other country ... Over 95% of the time. It has been that way for years. They have joint military maneuvers and share technology and intelligence. The Muslim countries, on the other hand, are on the other end of the voting spectrum.

    Simply put, the Obama administration has repaid them by giving highest priority to the Palestinian Issues, the "settlements", over the Israeli issues such as renouncing terrorism, recognizing their right to exist, and agreeing to abide by past agreements.

    Reminder: It was the Islamic extremists that attacked the US and not the Jews.

    It is embarrassing to have to point out the obvious to you. Then again, if you are a Muslim you no doubt have an alternate view of history.

  12. Gary, I take leave to doubt that there was much political discussion at the beer fest, nor that much of what there was could have been sober, much less representative. I have a pretty good idea of the distribution of political opinion in Milwaukee, but I certainly don't speak for all the people of the city, and I know for a fact that some very nice people think about things very differently than I do.

    Miggie, you have an amazing knack for being two steps behind everything. After I proactively post that I may have been blaming you for something Squid wrote, and offer a pre-emptive apology in case one is called for, you run on at some length saying I don't know what I'm talking about.

    But thank you for the full quote -- it does clearly show, once again, that Squid has been lying about what Obama said.

  13. Siarlys, never ruin an apology (a non-apology in your case) with an excuse.

    As a matter of fact, I don't see where Squid LIED either. The essence of what Obama wrote was that he would side with the Muslims. Obama adopted the Muslim argument that they were being hassled ("hard stares" and unquantified FBI questioning, etc.) when, in fact, there was no wide-spread backlash against Muslims after the 9/11 atrocity perpetrated by Muslims.

    The reference to the Japanese internment during the War was yet characteristic of the Left Wing. That and the atom bomb is all they recall about WWII. No recollection of any sacrifice, noble cause, any heroes, any battles, any victories, or saving of millions of people from tyranny.... No, Obama and the Left only see only the warts and scars.

    They are "Citizens of the World" and don't think America is really that great a country. Obama is compelled to apologize for America and doesn't think it is anything special. (He will probably change his tune now that he is running for re-election though) I wonder how or even if they celebrate the the Fourth of July.

  14. Miggie, are the Israelis our only allies? You did not answer my question. Israel needs the US more than the other way around, so what's a little alienation among friends? I don't think you have a clue how the rest of the world thinks, and just because I don't agree with you does not make me a moslem. Gosh, talking like Bush, either you are with us or you're against us.
    And Gary, visiting Germany "Stammtisch Philosophy" is the best you can hope for.

  15. Anonymous,

    What was your question (to Miggie)? As for my trip to Germany (and Switzerland), you have no idea who I spoke to. My impression is that the Europeans, who thought Obama was the Messiah, are now wondering what happened and as for Israel, it is clear that public opinion is against Israel. Why? because they are intimidated by the practical need for Arab oil and the Islamic militism in their midst. The fear the next riot/bomb in their streets.

  16. Miggie, of course you don't see how Squid lied -- the reason I get you two mixed up is that you sound alike, and it is a reasonable inference that you think alike.

    It's been months since Ingrid and I called him on it, and he let it sit, without offering a defense (because he had none), then repeated the same lie as if nobody was the wiser.

    Now, why do I call it a lie? When he baldly states that Obama said "I will side with the Muslims," and says it in quotation marks, he is reporting that Obama said those exact words. (You and I had a discussion about the meaning of quotation marks a month or so ago, remember?)

    Further, in the context of any discussion where Squid presents it, he makes an overwhelming implication that Obama said he would stand with "the Muslims" against Christians, against the USA, against Israel, against Europe, against the world...

    The actual words:

    "They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

    ...are much more specific in meaning. As a matter of fact, in September 2001, as some thugs in Arizona murdered a Sikh gas station owner (mistaking him for a Muslim), while a mob of pale-faced Chicago grandchildren of immigrants marched (without actual damage occuring) on a mosque whose members were fifth generation descendants of 19th century immigrants themselves, the first thing I thought of was precisely the experience of Japanese AMERICANS during World War II.

    It's a direct parallel, right, left, or center. Not to mention the Filipino coast guardsman in uniform who was chased back to his ship in Charleston, South Carolina, by a mob of 'Mericans who thought they were going to beat up a Jap.

    One of the few things I admire George W. Bush for is that he made sure NOT to turn his somewhat misbegotten "War on Terror" into an anti-Muslim crusade.

  17. Anonymous, I don't know if you are the same person as Ingrid, but I answered her by explaing why Israel is our best ally and how the Obama administration aliented them. Your question was doesn't the US have other allies. The answer is yes we do. So what?

    I don't think any of the Muslim countries are really allies of ours. I don't think our relationship with any country is symmetrical.

    Personally, I really don't care what other countries think of us as much as you do. I happen to think we are in the best country in the world. If you don't think so you should go live in that better country. It is as simple as that.

  18. Miggie, you said that Obama alienates our allies, and I asked you just who you mean. Is Israel our only ally? Israel alienates all her allies because most disagree with her politics. Especially the Germans who don't dare say anything against anybody, lest they are reminded of their past.
    I was the "anonymous", I clicked the wrong button.
    Gary and Miggie, you two are so close minded, albeit in a different way. Gary, you think visiting Germany and talking to some people gives you an inside? I tell you this not possible, people are not open about their feelings, I doubt that you talk to Germans ages 35 to 45, who really are pissed off about paying for the sins of their grandfathers, and Miggie, because every time I say something you don't agree with, you either call me a moslem, a nazi, un-American, and tell me to move out of the country. Well, I am an American, by choice, not by coincidence like you, that makes me a better American than any of you, and I live in Germany because of circumstances, and believe me, I KNOW how Germans think, how afraid and frustrated they are, and eventually they will show their true colours again because they will be forced to do so. Then I will go back to America even if I have to live on the street.

  19. Miggie, if you and I lived next door to each other, we might each make our own choices about interior decoration, whether or not to keep guns in the house, what to plant in the garden, what lawn signs to put out during elections, and not give a hoot what the other thought. We might make the same choices about some things, not about others.

    But, if the smoke from my barbecue, fragrant with excess lighter fluid, floated aromatically into your window too often, or if you played loud punk music that caused the structural supports of my house to vibrate, we would find there are some things we have to agree on.

    Considering that our entire economy depends on a tremendous amount of importing and exporting, much of it over critical seaways, our military position in the world depends on ports of call in all kinds of places, and people half way around the world can plot to fly hijacked planes into buildings on our territory, from a landlocked nation totally inaccessible to us without having access across a few other sovereign states, it does matter how we get along with other nations. Israel isn't the only one.

  20. Siarlys,
    The reason people don't "offer a defense" is not because they don't have one, it is for other reasons I have listed for you here before.
    First of all, you aren't worth the effort to go back and figure out what you are talking about. Next, your posts are so convoluted and obtuse that it takes more effort than it is worth to try and figure out what your point is.

    You muse about the worth of Gary's political discussions in Europe without knowing the first thing about it, while driving your school bus around or whatever, thinking that it must not have been representative or a sober discussion.

    You weave in some irrelevant, inconsequential incidents, that are off point and expect a discourse.

    Simply put, you are too much of a fruitcake to spend any time discussing anything with. You have no education, no travel experience, no credentials or accomplishments and demand responses. It is just that sometimes you are SO irritating and SO much of an ideologue that it easy to point it out.

  21. Siarlys opined:

    "Frankly, almost ANY nation in the world is, to some extent, a sponsor of terrorism."

    Siarlys' arguments tend towards being of the deeper and higher type.
