Here's the new head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who has this to say about illegal immigrants.
(Flopping Aces)
Is she related to Ed Schultz by chance?
In other news, heartless House Republicans have introduced a bill to make bank robbery a crime.
This is the same woman who recently said that if Republicans had their way, we would all be driving foreign cars because the Republicans just want to let the American car companies go down the drain. (I am paraphrasing.) Yet, Debbie drives an Infiniti. (For all you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies majors, an Infiniti is a Japanese car.)
A friend of mine once said that a California Jew is someone who thinks a yarmulke is a Japanese motorcycle. (Said friend was Jewish, with one parent in California and the other in New York). Debbie is from Florida. Is she Jewish? What does Mel Gibson say about her? What is her position on immigration from Israel?
ReplyDeleteThat's an old one. I first heard that from my Rabbi 20 years ago.
ReplyDeleteBy Findalis (Posting from Cellphone.)
Miggie, don't forget that the world is run by a Bolshevik Jewish Capitalist conspiracy. Its those Jewish plutocrats who fund the Red Menace. Etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum. I only mention that to point out that many religiously observant Jews have been liberals, also conservatives, and even some communists keep kosher.
ReplyDeleteI might add that what Wasserman-Schultz said in the video Gary posted is accurate and timely.
Findalis, I think I heard it 20 years ago too, but it was the most relevant thing to say about Gary's post. Hey, Gary sometimes posts news 20 years old like it is the most relevant thing we could talk about, eleven years into the 21st century.
Siarlys, you always, always, parrot the Democratic National Committee party line. You see things through that orientation whether the topic is historical record, applied economics, sociology, or the situation at UCI.
ReplyDeleteRather than even attempt to respond to your inanities, I'll borrow a sentiment from Burke, "I'll reserve my activity for rational endeavours."
Ad hominem, ad hominem, ad hominem...
ReplyDeleteI get onto mailing lists that lead DNC phone banks to think exactly the way you think... I always tell them in some detail why I will NOT donate to the DNC.
Basically, they produce such mis-targeted political babble that it would be a waste of my money. Then I ask them why they didn't send me an Obama 2012 sticker yesterday.