Wednesday, June 29, 2011

OC Human Relations Funding-Smoke and Tears

Orange County Supervisor Bill Campbell


On June 24, I posted an article reporting that the Orange County Board of Supervisors had unanimously voted to fund the OC Human Relations Commission for the coming year. That was based partly on a report by the OCHRC itself. A unanimous vote to fund was surprising since all indications were that Supervisor John Moorlach was dead set against funding.

Now reports are coming out that the vote was not unanimous. At this point, it is confusing who voted which way as well as who voted. One thing appears sure; Supervisor Bill Campbell voted in favor. Courtesy of Fullerton's Future blog, here is a video of Campbell doing the John Boehner routine as he talks about the OCHRC.

Yeah, it kinda gets ya right here, don't it?

Here's another video of Campbell singing the praises of the OCHRC (Orange Juice blog).

Note that in the below article in Orange Juice blog, it is reported that the vote was 2-1-1 (one abstaining) and that the vote occurred before the 5th member, Shawn Nelson, was seated. The article also states that $97,000 was cut from OCHRC, yet it was also reported elsewhere that the full $300,000 was granted.

Muy confusing.

In addition, what do they mean "prior to the seating of  new member Shawn Nelson "? Nelson was seated there when I appeared before the BoS earlier. Was he in the men's room when the vote was taken?

I would also point something out in response to Campbell's prepared message regarding the OCHRC, who, according to Campbell, speak for the "theys". Mr. Campbell, nobody in this corner is arguing for suppressing the viewpoints or the thoughts of the "theys" as you term them. Yet, sometimes, your "theys" try to suppress the viewpoints or thoughts of  the "wes". In the case of Rusty Kennedy's politically-correct OC Human Relations Commission, they attempted to smear everybody who took part in a February 13 demonstration held in Yorba Linda when two hate-mongering radicals named Amir Abdel Malik Ali and Siraj Wahhaj came to speak at a dinner held by the Islamic Circle of North America-a branch, if you will, of the Muslim Brotherhood. (If you want to hear some hate speech, tune into some of these characters' speeches.) Anyway, some people off to the side of our activity acted inappropriately and engaged in some rude chanting at the attendees of the dinner. As a result, the OCHRC did CAIR's bidding in attempting to smear everyone who spoke at the demonstration or was even present as being part of that fringe group-using a doctored CAIR video and ignoring a hour long video produced by the organizers of the protest.

Anyway, the deed is done. Orange County tax-payers will be treated to another year of Rusty Kennedy, his empty pronouncements, his Rusty awards and wasted money.

The "Rusty" Award

I'll write a letter to Mr Campbell and ask him what the true totals are. He actually responds to his e-mails, as he has twice in my case.

"Dear Mr. Fouse,

Thank you very much for your letter."

Bill Campbell

* Update on June 30. No answer yet from Campbell. Supervisor Moorlach sent me an e-mail this morning stating that the vote was not unanimous. (No further details) I replied asking for clarification stating that I had previously criticized him for voting "yes" (based on an OCHRC article that stated the vote was unanimous). I also stated that I would be happy to retract my criticism of him if he, in fact, voted no. No reply as yet.

1 comment:

  1. The most powerful statement to be made: Vote out all the incumbent Board of Supervisors in the next election. The next statement is: Spread the word around. Enough said!

