Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weenergate Update

"Congressman, why haven't you filed a hacking complaint?"

"Was it you?"

Anthony Weiner, a man who loves to be in front of a camera and run his mouth, is now acting strangely reticent when asked by the reporters about the mysterious tweet. When asked to answer questions about whether he was hacked or not, Weiner has told them that he has made all the statements he intends to make and he has to get back to work for the American people on those really important issues like health care, child care, pet care, and lawn care because Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas won't recuse himself from  a health care ruling and........

So let me make sure I got this straight. A tweet is sent out Friday, which is picked up publicly. Within 4 minutes, he pulls it (or whatever tweeters do) and tweets that he is being hacked on his Tweeter and Facebook accounts. For three days, he says nothing and allows his supporters like Daily Kos blame everything on Andrew Breitbart and some conservative blogger. Now it is being called a "prank to distract Weiner from his duties". Meanwhile, Weiner has hired a lawyer to advise him on how to proceed. Now Weiner's aides are saying nothing.

(You might want to save that article for posterity.)

Yet, hacking into a Congressman's communications is a serious deal, something that the FBI might want to get involved in, right?

"Uhhhhh, ....yeaaaah."

Yeah! The Daily Kos writer is salivating over the prospect of "Breitbart's hacker" going to jail.

So where is the complaint filed by Weiner?

There is none.

Why not?

That is what reporters are now asking Weiner.


"I've already made a statement and I need to get back to my work for the American people on the issues they really care about, health care, child care, pet care care and lawn care and that Supreme Court justice who won't recuse himself........." 

By the way, remember that New York Republican congressman, Chris Lee, who had to resign when it came out that he was trolling for dates on Craig's List and sending pics of himself sans shirt?
"Uhhhhh, .....yeaaaah."

Just happened to mention it. The Daily Kos writer saw fit to bring it up because Republicans are too stupid to know that once you put something up on the internet, blah blah blah........But Weiner is smart, savvy and "a modern man".

Yet, listening to Weiner dodge questions about this episode is starting to make this old investigator a little suspicious.

Dragnet music, please, Maestro.

Or how 'bout this little old Christmas ditty?

"He's beginning to look a lot like Nixon,
more and more each day"

"That's right. Blame it on me."


  1. I don't like this Weiner but I am not convinced that the pics floating around are of Weiner's wiener (I haven't tired of saying that yet).

  2. All he has to say is I didn't send it and that's not me. I was hacked.

  3. Why should I really care, anyway?

    P.S. I did not consider Anita Hill's testimony a relevant factor in why Clarence Thomas was unqualified to sit on the Supreme Court.

  4. Me thinks he protests too much.

  5. I've got it! He's trying to show that those scurrilous cartoons of Richard Goldstone do NOT accurately represent the true state of Jewish manhood!

    (IF that was him... and what difference does it make if it was?)
