Last February, the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) held a "charity dinner" featuring two radical Islamist speakers, Amir Abdel Malik Ali and Siraj Wahhaj. There was a protest held (in which I spoke as one of several featured speakers). When a few dozen people showed up to chant offensive slogens at attendees as they arrived, CAIR made a major production out of it labeling everyone associated with the protest as "hate mongers".
Below is an article written about ICNA by Joe Kaufman of Frontpage Magazine in 2007 identifying ICNA as a creation of the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood.
Is it any surprise that ICNA would bring in Amir Abdel Malik Ali and Siraj Wahhaj to speak at their "charity dinner"?
Keep in mind that CAIR and their pals tried to sue Kaufman recently for his disclosures regarding CAIR and other so-called "mainstream" American Muslim organizations.
Keep in mind that the Orange County Human Relations Commisssion and their empty suit CEO Rusty Kennedy tried to assist CAIR in smearing the organizers and speakers of the Yorba Linda protest. That is the same OCHRC that just gave Muzammil Siddiqi, former head of the Islamic Society of North America, (another Muslim Brotherhood creation) an award for community leadership.
It is all one big vicious circle-clear to anyone who wants to see the truth.
You are beating a dead horse Gary. Some article written in 2007 about a person who has had some connection with the organization that sponsored a charity dinner... is NEWS? You've written plenty about the dinner. It is now receding into history. Let it go. Isn't there a new MSA event on the horizon you can sharpen your ax for?