Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Golden Anteater Awards Dinner Coming to UCI

"One person's hate speech is another person's education."

Yes, folks, UC Irvine is about to hold a big dinner in October (The Celebration of Stars) to give its highest honor (The UCI Medal) to 4 individuals.

And what a dinner it will be. Gourmet food, wine and song.


Maybe even Orange County Human Relations Commission Rusty Kennedy will be there to hand out a few more Rusty awards.

Rather than me writing up the lengthy and impressive bios of the award recipients, I'll just post the announcement from UCI's website for your reading pleasure.


  1. fullerton taxpayerMay 26, 2011 at 9:00 PM

    at least two of them deserve to be recognized

  2. Which two? I know one who doesn't deserve to be recognized.
