Monday, May 30, 2011

Another Depressing Picture of Anti-Semitism in Europe


The below article appears in I found it in the Swedish blog, Jihad i Malmo (Jihad in Malmo). It is written by the French writer, Guy Milliere, whom I heard speak in front of Act for America in Orange County last year. He is a Frenchman who truly understands what is happening to Europe. Milliere's own French-language blog is linked on this blog (DRZZ).

Aside from the obvious Jew-hatred exhibited by many Muslim immigrants in Europe, the Europeans themselves are deserving of special blame for tolerating it. The reason Europeans refuse to support Israel is because they are so intimidated by the Muslim immigrants and the countries they come from. They delude themselves into thinking that if only Israel would go away, their trouble-making immigrants, who they cannot police, would assimilate and become productive sitizens.

Another reason, in my view, that Europeans tolerate the intolerable is because they lost their moral souls when they cast off Christianity and turned their ancient churches and cathedrals into little more than tourist attractions, places that could make them think of some lost time when some king was in power. Everything to them is cloaked in what is practical-not necesarily moral. As a result, they turn their heads as Jews are being assaulted and harassed, completely forgetting their not-so-distant history.

It pains me to say it as someone who has lived in Europe (Germany and Italy) and loves the continent. However, one might almost say that the Europeans deserve what is happening to them. Once the Jews are gone, they will be the next victims once they wake up and find themselves a minority in their respective nations. Once that happens, Europe will find itself in a new Dark Age.


  1. I have a personal theory: WWI and then WWII was so devastating to them that they lost their faith and their nationality or rather their sense of or pride in their nation. The EU was created from a notion that nations war so that the lines between nations should be blurred by common currencies, economic treaties, open borders, etc. so there would be no rivalries and no more wars.

    They lost religion and the sense of good and evil. They used to be proud of French or English (for example) culture and language but having lost that sense of identity and pride they've let in hordes aliens with no interest in becoming like them. Rather, the foreigners seek to impose their culture on them and few resist.

    Europe may well be already lost. Although there were few Muslims in the crowds watching the royal wedding and no Muslim protests of it, overall the Muslim insults to the English culture is astounding.

    It is a stark lesson for America as it clearly demonstrates what leads to what.

  2. Siarlys,

    Somewhere in history before Europe became secular they stopped hating Jews over religion and started hating them for other reasons. Hitler didn't care a whit about Judaism as a religion. Many German Jews who had converted to Christianity learned that it would not save them. I will maintain that being secular has made the Euros even more "practical" than they have traditionally been-in this case to the point of not having a moral compass when it comes time to stand up to wrong.

  3. Siarlys, some of what you write can be forgiven for ignorance and lack of education. Had you had a formal education you would have learned that when you quote someone using quotation marks, it means that was precisely what he said or wrote. Gary did not write anywhere, "lost their moral souls when they cast off Christianity..." So when you falsely attribute and argue with what he did not write, you expose yourself as a cheat and an incompetent phony.

    You contradict yourself in the same sentence with exceptions, you go from the general to the specific and than back from the specific to the general in an attempt to make some incomprehensible point.

    The only thing I can take from your rant is that you choose to disagree generally and try to impress with some sense that, despite your educational handicaps you know a thing or two. It's not working.

    Despite the obvious truth in the Milliere article and what it portends, Siarlys Jenkins, in his longed for superior wisdom and experience, takes issue.

  4. Look again Miggie. I copied and pasted PRECISELY what Gary wrote, and that is exactly WHY I put it in quotation marks.

    IF you have had an advanced formal education, you can hardly be forgiven for such bald ignorance.

    I infer that you could find nothing to criticize in the substance of what I wrote, and therefore had to stoop to carping over technicalities, and to invention nonexistent issues to do even that.

    Gary, it is true that Hitler didn't care about religion, and often lamented that Europe had been infused with such a weak, milksop faith as Christianity. But anti-Semitism as Hitler found it was a tool provided to him by Christian Europe, and some of his strongest support came from Prussian pastors quoting some of Luther's more anti-Semitic diatribes. You're still cutting corners to arrive at a desired result.

    Christianity has never been kind to Judaism, and the current crop of American evangelicals like Israel only as a fulfillment of presumed prophecy. They still expect to convert them all before Judgement Day.

  5. Siarlys, I did not see Gary's statement that you quoted. I looked several times yet I missed it I was mistaken in that particular criticism and I recant it.

    I will still stand behind the other statements.

    Because certain individuals are anti- Semetic doesn't mean the whole country is anti-Semetic. Countries change over time all the time. Sociologists study this and theorize persuasively about the teasons. I am reading a book about it at the moment. Racism and anti-Semetism have changed dramatically over the last 60 - 70 years in this country.

    The point is that anti-Semetism is returning to Europe for a new reason .... Muslim immigration. Can't that point be accepted without quibbling and kavelling over it?

  6. Apology accepted Miggie. Further, you are starting to make sense out of this. Yes, the anti-Semitism Gary references is being generated in Europe for a NEW reason. (I stand by my critique of his appeal to Christian identity -- it is badly misplaced).

    I'm all for making it clear to immigrants who adhere to the Muslim faith, and particularly to those of that faith who consider it their duty, or acceptable, to intimidate, batter, or murder Jewish citizens of the countries in which they have settled, that this ain't happening here.

    That requires a vigorous program of arresting those who actually engage in such acts, and making it clear to anyone who declares "solidarity" with the perpetrators that this is about criminal acts, not religious identity.

    It does not help to advance such a policy to indulge in broadsides blaming Islam. Just as murders by American racists need to be routinely treated as murders, letting them know they are nothing special on account of their motive, Europe needs the ideological space to do the same.

    As I noted, there are some tangled reasons that Europe has shown something less than alacrity in figuring out what to do. They need to get over those reasons.
