Saturday, April 30, 2011

Which Republican Can Beat Obama?

In spite of President Obama's low poll numbers, many pundits-including Republicans- insist that none of the current Republican candidates are up to beating the President in 2012. They say that the reason Donald Trump is doing so well in the polls vis-a-vis the other candidates is that he is speaking his mind, which is what the conservative voters are craving. Nonetheless, few think that Trump can continue without blowing himself up eventually. Assuming that is true, who would be the best equipped to take on Obama next year?

Mitt Romney is considered one of the front-runners. I was never more impressed with him than when he dropped out of the primaries last go-around and made a great speech in doing so. Yet, he is viewed as another slicked-down politician who instituted his own health care plan in Massachusetts. In addition, some don't want to vote for a Mormon, which is sad, in my view.

Mike Huckabee is as bland as every woman's first husband. He is boring to watch on TV, and that controversial Arkansas pardon will come back to haunt him.

Sarah Palin is very appealing to a lot of folks, but she needs to overcome that poor performance as VP candidate. I love her views, but there is a perception that she's not up to the job. (Doesn't exactly doom your chances though, does it?)

I also like Michele Bachmann, but it seems she has the same perception problem that Palin has.

Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum have the right views. They are young and energetic-looking, but don't really look too presidential, do they?

Speaking of looking not-too-presidential, how about Newt Gingrich? Of all of them, he is the most eloquent spokesman for conservative issues. He is also a genuine historian who really seems to understand the issues. Yet, he has no chance. When he was Speaker of the House, he changed his tune daily depending on what he thought the best strategy of the day was. Then there is that little matter of marital infidelity-you know the time he dropped by his wife in the hospital, to tell her he was leaving her for another woman while she was being treated for cancer? I would still like to see him run simply for the voice he would add to the debates.

Same for all of them, actually. They all have something to contribute to the national debate over the role of government in our society and the direction we are going both domestically and internationally.

But they are all lacking that certain something that conservatives are craving and think they see in Trump. Someone who has charisma, genuine conservative values, and isn't afraid to stand up and tell it like it is without worrying that he/she may lose some constituency group. Who is that someone that isn't afraid to tell the other side to go jump in a lake? Who is that person that can capture the imagination of conservatives the way Obama did with liberals and..........well, dopes, while not trying to fool anybody? In my opinion, that would be someone who isn't even running yet.

That person would be Allen West.


  1. I have written to Allen West, asking him to consider running for the POTUS position. He has remarked that his work in florida is important and he will continue his work in the State. With this said, I have the same admiration for West. Even though he thinks he may not be ready, I think he is, in relationship to the unprepared, unknowing, Socialist organizer called Barack Obama. Ask yourself the question: What did Obama have when he came to the Office of President? He was a Community Organizer who was swept into the State Senate by far-left friends, as he was for the U.S. Senate. He spent little time in the U.S. Senate, as he was campaigning. His work in the State Senate was unremarkable, if not dismal.
    Now, compare Allen West to this incompetent President. Representative West, you are ready to take this Nation back to its greatness


  2. In 2007 Obama wasn't even on the map. People would say "Barack who?" The Conventional Wisdom of the pundits was it would be a race between Hillary and Rudy. Look how wrong they were.

    I don't believe the eventual nominee will emerge until AFTER Iowa and New Hampshire.

    You did forget a few names: Bobby Jindal, Herman Caine, and Eric Cantor.

  3. The Republican Party would truly sink to a new low if Allen West is the nominee.

    The GOP went from having a war hero (John McCain) as its contender in 2008 to having a war criminal (Allen West) in 2012.

    In my opinion President Obama will win the election but with less electoral votes than in 2008.

    Democrats will likely gain seats in the House, but still not have enough for a majority. Democrats will probably lose seats in the Senate, and might also lose the majority.

    Conservatism is destroying America.

  4. Anonymous,

    Only in your mind is West a war criminal.

  5. Yes in my mind/opinion Allen West is a war criminal.

    According to the Geneva conventions and other international laws/treaties it is a crime to simulate an execution on a prisoner.

    The US Army was all to keen to get rid of Lt. Colonel Allen West. The man seems to have extremely violent tendencies and bad character. He even skipped on paying his taxes.

  6. "He even skipped on paying his taxes".

    You mean he didn't pay his "fair share?"

  7. Anonymous,

    Better check the "coolaid" you have been drinking. It appears it is effecting your judgement.


  8. anonymous,
    your version of ameika and my version of AMERICA are quite different. NO politician is perfect and perhaps the worst one of all time was foolishly elected by the morons who voted the mullah obamaham into the office of potus in 2008.

    Allen West, Herman Cain, that is who this so called 'racist' would support and vote for in 2012. Yes racist because I cannot stand the first muslim potus. It is not because of his skin color.

    "The man seems to have extremely violent tendencies and bad character."

    Those qualities would serve him and this country well. Unlike the apologizing and appeasing bastard we now have in the White House.

    West has backbone and sees the dangers of this world unlike obama who wants to lick everyone's butt and try to get along. Yeah, that has worked out really well, has it not. Stabbing our long time allies in the back and caving into the Russians, doing all he can to islamify the USA, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

  9. Face it Gary, President Obama is doing a reasonably good job cleaning up the horrendous mess left by "borrow and spend" Bush, who mortgaged our country to the People's Republic of China, muffed one war, and plunged us into another, which he mishandled even worse.

    Mitt Romney isn't half the man his father was, and I'm old enough to remember his father, albeit I wasn't quite old enough to have voted for him.

    I thought about voting for Huckabee, until he kissed up to Ken Copeland, the Grand-daddy of Prosperity Gospel Preaching, for campaign funds.

    The rest are so unworthy as to merit no further comment. You've highlighted their deficiencies rather well, even if you did try to paint a veneer of admiration over them.

    President Obama is going to serve two terms. Deal with it.

  10. Siarlys,

    If you want to call people,"religious bigots", I suggest you direct that comment to those who kill others who don't share their religion. Patriot is not in that category. Respect for other rteligions should be a two-way street.

  11. Siarlys,

    Get your history correct. It was Bill Clinton who gave China most favored nation status. And now Obama has continued it.

    Besides, Huckabee is the most moral candidate, and he has the ENTIRE South wrapped up--even Newt's home state of Georgia.


    Huckabee pardoned the guy, but it was the probation dept. that let him leave the State. That wasn't Huck's fault. If he wouldn't have been allowed to leave Arkansas, those murders would not have happened.

    It doesn't matter, Huck will beat Obama easily. Even the states Mccain lost; NC, VA, IN, and OH will go to Huck. Iowa and Wisconsin should vote for Huck too.

    Florida is the key. I talked to a guy in broward county and he feels the state will not vote for obama.

  12. Founding Truth,

    If Huck gets the nomination, he will have my vote.

  13. "If Huck gets the nomination, he will have my vote."

    Id rather vote for Ike.

    Seriously, the cadaver of former President Eisenhower has a higher IQ than all the presumptive Republican contenders COMBINED.

    Lets take a look at the Republican Dream Team:

    - Half Governor Sarah Palin
    - The Donald
    - Allen "War Criminal" West
    - Tim Pawlenty aka WHO???
    - Mitt the "Stormin Mormon" Romney
    - Mike HICK-abee
    - Husband of the Year Newt Gingrich

    So many choices, but only one can be the sacrificial lamb to Obama.

    Bring it on RepubliCANTS.

  14. Gary, I have the greatest respect for "Patriot" 's religion, whatever it may be, unless he is part of Elohim City or Aryan Nations, or belongs to a cult which practices human sacrifice. I have no reason to believe that he is any of the above. I do not, however, know what his faith might be, except that it is clearly not Islam.

    I called him a religious bigot because, in describing himself as a racist, he presented opinions, which he represents that he sincerely holds, which amount to religious bigotry, not racism. In short, he accused himself of a crime he did not commit, rather than a crime he did commit. I was merely setting the terminology straight.

    There may indeed be religious bigots who are considerably more violent than "Patriot." That makes them VIOLENT religious bigots, rather than peaceful, law-abiding religious bigots. I recognize the difference. A man of your refinement and discernment should be able to do so as well.

    Founding Falsehood: I was not referring to "most favored nation" trade status. I suspect Wal-Mart could have rammed that through any administration, Reagan's, either Bush's, Clinton's... I was referring to the fact that George W. Bush followed a policy enunciated by his vice-president, "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."

    Bush was presented by his predecessor with a budget generating surpluses, and the bare beginnings of paying down a $5 trillion national debt. With the juvenile rhetoric of "give the surplus back to the people," Bush doubled the national debt, borrowing a huge portion of the new debt from the National Bank of China.

    This has indeed left our country sufficiently beholden to China that we have to tread cautiously where we should tread boldly, because we NEED them to finance our debt. We should get ourselves out of that position, and we will need to raise some taxes to do so.

    When we have our national debt down below $3 trillion, we might perhaps discuss given "the surplus" back to "the people."

    I agree that blaming Huckabee for the fact that, by law, a former Arkansas prisoner was at liberty to commit several murders in Washington, is off base. It wasn't a personal decision on his part. It was the law of the state taking its course, with multiple participants. That was also true of the Willie Horton affair, which Al Gore dug up to use against Michael Dukakis in 1988.
