Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding-Lots of Hats and Lots of Horses

Hats and horses

In spite of my best promises-including to that mad hatter Yvonne Ridley, I did happen to wake up around 4 am this morning. Thus, I figured what the Hell, I might as well turn on coverage of the royal wedding. There, on CNN was Anderson Cooper and Richard Quest.

Quickly, I switched to Fox and to the more pleasing Martha McCallum. (That's better.)  As it was, the wedding was over and the lovely couple was riding back to Buckingham Palace-or wherever royal couples ride back to-in that fancy stagecoach pulled by a couple of dozen horses.

Speaking of horses, they must have rounded up every horse in Europe to bring to London for the event.

And speaking of horses, I was wondering if my old friend, Yvonne Ridley was spotted in the crowd yelling profanities at the Royal Family with Anjem "the Bearded Clam" Choudary. Apparently, Choudary and his rag-tag pals decided to call off the protests, suicide bombings, or whatever they had in mind.

That's The Bearded Clam in the center

Of course, had The Bearded Clam and his followers blown up Westminster Abbey, the BBC would have found a way not to mention it.

("Bearded clam". Sounds like an old phrase from my high school days.)

I heard George Galloway was "taken ill", and, like me, was watching the event on the telly.

Apparently, England is the last country on earth where women still wear hats. Did you see that thing that Victoria Beckham had on her head? It looked like a can of motor oil with a corkscrew punched through it. Ghastly.

Not in the opinion, however, of one of those obligatory British fashion mames, who pronounced it "chic and avante garde".

Did ya see Prince Charlie, be Jesus?

(Speaking of horses...)

Amazing how he is always the side show in these events, nowadays, as he waits and waits and waits.....

But it's all over now, as the Rolling Stones used to say. Anderson Cooper can come back home.....if he can get away from Richard Quest, that is.

"I don't think that's funny!"


  1. OK Gary,

    Your comments on the "wedding" are not nice. You are an expert blogger, but as a fashion maven, you suck. Expect a visit by the "Fashion Police", much like the mid-night visit of Jacob Marley in the Christmas Carol. Oh well, this comment will probably end up in the automatic spam filter.



  2. Watched the thing in its entirety. The groom was handsome, the bride was lovely. The queen looked regal in yellow. Some of those hats were horrible, but most were good. ut where was Princess Anne? Is she ill?

    The BBC had the best coverage.

  3. Gary, that's the best coverage of Will & Kate's wedding I've seen. I hadn't been aware it had already happened, which tells you how much attention I paid to the subject.

    When Lizzie II dies, the family should be pensioned off with 500 guineas a year and one manor house per couple. Then declare what's left of the empire a republic, or better yet, restore the Commonwealth.
