Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Islamic Circle of North America Handbook

Hat tip to Investigative Project on Terrorism

In December of 2010, Steve Emerson's Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) published the handbook of the Islamic Circle of North Ameria (ICNA), which reveals their true agenda. This is the organization that hosted a charity dinner in Yorba Linda on February 13 that brought out a protest to  point out that the ICNA featured speakers were two well-known radicals, Siraj Wahhaj and Amir Abdel Malik Ali. It was at that event that several dozen people broke away from the actual protest to chant and shout at the attendees as they arrived. Since the protest, ICNA and CAIR have launched a major PR campaign to paint all the organizers, speakers and attendees at the protest as being "haters" and connectecd to the minority who stepped out of line. As a result, Villa Park and Yorba Linda city councils, as well as the OC Human Relations Commisssion (OCHRC) have held hearings on the event under pressure from CAIR. In adddition, Villa Park city council member, Deb Pauly, has come under extreme fire for her words when she spoke at the protest. (In my view, she has nothing to apologize for. I have previously  posted the video of her speech.)

I invite you to read the handbook of ICNA. Thanks to IPT for obtaining it and publishing it. Hopefully, the empty suits at the OCHRC and the Villa Park/Yorba Linda  city councils will read it as well. It makes it very clear that the goal of the ICNA is to make Islam dominant everywhere-including here. Opposing that is not bigotry.

1 comment:

  1. I have downloaded and skimmed the pdf of the "Handbook." I keep in mind that Emerson may have perpetrated, or been taken in by, a functional equivalent of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which purported to be a handbook revealing the true intentions of The Jews to subvert all nations and rule the world in the Name of God. On the other hand, just because the Protocols was a forgery, does not mean that this handbook is too.

    On first glance ICNA is quite overtly NOT what CAIR maintains itself to be. ICNA is an evangelical advocacy organization, with at least the fervency of various waves of Christian missionaries who set out to win the world for Jesus Christ, writing hymns like "Onward Christian Soldiers."

    It is not clear to me, from an initial skim, that ICNA's methods or practice involved violence, intimidation, or subversion in any legal sense of the word. So long as they are earnestly trying to win their American and Canadian neighbors to Islam, that's cool. I doubt they will succeed.

    The possibility that they will use more covert intimidation among the various Muslim populations, mosques, families, and individuals to demand obedience and coerced "unity" would be a more significant concern. That would be not unlike the Moonies, the founders and funders of the Washington Times. The justice departments of a constitutional republic must be vigilant that individual civil liberties are not subverted in the name of religion, while scrupulously respecting the right of individuals to voluntarily submit to any spiritual discipline they choose to embrace.
