Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Hate Crime" Alert in Orange County

"Somebody call CAIR!"

Somebody better wake up Rusty Kennedy, the useless director of something called the Orange County Human Relations Commission. Frank Mickadeit has a column in today's Orange County Register about an incident involving a fight between an Arab cab driver and three Hispanic guys. As expected, CAIR is "Johnny on the spot" asking for an investigation into a possible "hate crime".

CAIR Southern California honcho Hassam Ayloush has been a busy man lately as he darts from place to place looking for Islamophobes and "haters" under every bed. Most recently, he has been driving a campaign against people who protested on February 13th against two known radical Islamic speakers in Yorba Linda. CAIR has been using an edited tape to try and link some who broke off from the protest to shout at Muslim attendees as they walked into the speaking site. It was clearly over the line, expecially since some attendees brought their children. However, it was not representative of those who organized the event, spoke at the event, and the vast majority who listened to the protest speakers.

At any rate, maybe Mr Kennedy can earn that six-figure salary he is reputed to be earning and hold another hearing on the cabbie affair. Won't that be fun? He'll have the Hispanic activists and the Muslim activists all in the same room and outside with bullhorns and signs shouting, "Go back home!" to each other.

I'll pass.

"Appears to be some sort of demonstration, by George."


  1. Once upon a time there were explicitly racial biases built into the laws of the United States, and in various ways, in a number of the states. Over time we have gotten rid of many of these, not without massive resistance by people who sincerely believed in racism, and/or saw profit in maintaining it.

    Then we had leftover individual attitudes by people with some degree of authority. That was the beginning of "hate crime" legislation. After a while, the entire notion becomes self-defeating. There are Mexicans in California who line up in gangs against other Mexicans (probably because it is easiest to hate the new guy on your own block). For that matter, the standard template for gang warfare was set by rival federations of African Americans. And we all know the long history of Shia and Sunni rivalry. Come to think of it, this fight could be characterized as between three Roman Catholics and a Muslim, or three Mexicans and an Arab (or whatever nationality the cab driver was -- not all Muslims are Arab). But, it should not be characterized as between three people of a given ethnicity and one person of a given religion. That's mixing apples and oranges.

    The reason I have talked about this at such length is, it seems the entire notion could be talked to death, and that is not a bad idea. Try it out on this CAIR man, who is an obvious opportunist, using whatever tools come to hand.

  2. The Arabs have a well deserved reputation for lying. The most recent local example is the CAIR phony video of the Yorba Linda. Protest. They did it with the OTI speakers which was recently uncovered and discussed in another thread. The MSU lied about their planning the disruptions at the Oren address. They lie all the time about incidents in the Middle East. Something in their culture is at the heart of it. I dont say everyone on every occasion but on stories like this one or ones where CAIR is involved or one of their other organization, it is a safe assumption that they are lying.

  3. Oh, Miggie, that CAIR video just shows how well they have assimilated into American politics. Its no worse than lots of political TV ads I've seen in the past thirty years. If not for Osama, CAIR would be making a home for itself in the Republican Party, cutting deals with the megachurch "conservatives to split the country into theocratic fiefs.
