Monday, January 31, 2011

Obama was "Reaganesque"??!!

Isn't it amazing how our all-but-state-run media (except for Fox, of course) are falling all over themselves over Obama. After his State of the Union, which was about as flat as a can of Bud Lite, they all called it 'Reaganesque".

Ronald Reagan must be spinning in his grave at the comparison. Here was a man who knew that "Government is the problem". Now his worst fears about government are coming to realization under Obama.

And they are calling Obama's speech, "Reaganesque".

Ronald Reagan was a man who believed in the power of the individual-not the power of the government. He had faith that if the government could leave people alone, they would achieve great things. He also believed that the purpose of government was to serve and protect the people. This president has it backwards. Under Obama and his czars, they people are here to serve government. They have no faith whatsoever in the people.

These statements speak volumes about the credibility of the news media. It is as if they had been nationalized by their masters in the government and had their scripts reviewed by censors.

I lived for three years in Thailand when the country was under military rule and there was no free press. What I read coming out of the New York Times et al is eerily reminiscent of those days. Now you have four out of the 5 major news networks giving us that old political spin job about how Obama "hit a home run". In their words, he was Reaganesque.

Pass the Excedrin.


  1. Ronald Reagan was a movie star living in a dream world who sleep-walked through his presidency while a cabal of manipulators got a couple of hundred marines killed in Lebanon, sold advanced missiles to Khomeini, diverting the money to finance terrorism in Central America, and presided over the worst loss of industrial employment in American history.

    However, I find some common ground, once again, in your revulsion for the "liberal media." Their pathetic kowtowing to the puffed up imagery of Ronald Reagan is an insult to our current president and our nation. Spineless illegitimi.

    I suspect that Reagan already had early stage Alzheimer's when he first took office... afternoon naps, gaffes, memory lapses...

  2. Perhaps, but what Reagan left behind was his legacy of the role of government. That is why he is quoted.

  3. He is quoted because, like any good actor, he came up with memorable quips, albeit lacking in actionable substance.

    As for his legacy, he vastly increased the federal deficit, starting the process that led to our current unmanageable debt. Like Cheney said "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" ... that is, until you can't hide from them any more. That's a funny way to "shrink government."

  4. Siarlys,

    I'll bet Reagan made you pine for the good old days of Jimmy Carter, didn't he?

  5. Reagan made me pine for Barry Goldwater, as George W. Bush made me pine for Reagan. Goldwater had a sound mind, even if he came to bad conclusions. Reagan had a sense of honor and proportion, even if he lacked a sense of reality. GWB had none of the above.

    The main reason Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 is the the American economy was going down the tubes -- its a way voters have of reacting to events. The economy was going down the tubes because most productive activity in the American economy was moving out of the country. Neither Carter nor Reagan had a policy to fix that. Whether any feasible policy was available is another question. I might have required a good deal of socialism, and of course we wouldn't want that.
