Monday, January 31, 2011

Frank Gaffney's Article on the Muslim Brotherhood

Thanks to Act for America for sending me this article.

The below linked article by Frank Gaffney appears on the blog, "Big Peace".

When Gaffney speaks, we all should listen. He knows what he is talking about.


  1. I believe Mr. Gaffney was a supporter of invading Iraq to disarm Saddam of WMD's.

    When Mr. Gaffney speaks, I urge patriotic American's to cover their ears.

    No more wars for Israel.

  2. Anonymous,

    I got a headline for ya. We didn't do it for Israel. You might also look into the history of Iraq under Saddam. He used chemical gas against the Iranians and his own Kurdish population.

  3. Who is Frank Gaffney, and why should I care what he has to say about anything?

  4. Siarlys,

    Google him. He's a very smart guy.

  5. So am I. Only my closest friends listen to me.

  6. Frank Gaffney is a moron.

    He has been running a neo-con think tank named the Center for Security Policy since the 1990's.

    Mr. Fouse only thinks Mr. Gaffney is smart, is because they both share the murderous Zionist cause.

    Israel-Firster's make me sick.

  7. Good discussion on Egypt on Charlie Rose last night.

    And Bill Handel had Walid Phares on for a very interesting interview this morning. I actually enjoyed this interview more than the Charlie Rose discussions.

    Short bio on Phares.

  8. Anonymous,

    "Israel-Firster's make me sick".

    Take two aspirins and a cynanide pill. You'll feel better in the morning.

  9. Gary, I did a google search too, and this guy impresses me as an opinionated ideologue who first decides what he wants, then examines the facts to see how they might, selectively, reinforce his prejudices (in the clinical meaning, from the Latin, pre - judice; as a language instructor, I'm sure you understand).

    I wouldn't describe anyone as "an Israel-Firster." I would say, again, that if the government of Israel wants to drive at 60 mph into a dead end, the government of the U.S. should refrain from providing any assistance to it in doing so.

  10. Siarlys,

    First of all, I'm surprised you had to google Gaffney to know who he is. Thus, you know next to nothing about him.

    As to Israel, in connection with the Egyptian situation, what are they doing that upsets you? They are observers, like us.

  11. You have a VERY short attention span Gary. "Google him" was your advice. I not only know little about him, I know of no reason I should devote time to learning about him. There are 300 million people in America I could learn something about, but very few I will ever get to know well. First you praise him to the skies, then you say "Google him" then you say "If you had to google him, you don't know him." Which leads back to my original question. YOU told us how great he is. What's so great about him?

  12. Siarlys, you have to realize that for Gary, every comment exists in a vacuum. He is either unable or unwilling to see the context of each comment or understand how you're not just paying attention to what he said in one comment, but the entire continuity of everything he's said.

  13. Lance,

    Do you by chance have a Phd? I strongly suspect that you do.

  14. You know Lance, I really fear for the future of my country, when I stop to realize that an intelligent, honorable, well-educated man like Gary Fouse can be swayed by his prejudices to entirely ignore obvious facts and promote groupthink based on demographics.

    By prejudices, I do not mean he's a racist. Just that he makes up his mind based on emotional affinities, and ignores any facts that suggest an alternate analysis.

  15. And what is your alternative analysis, Siarlys?

  16. When I ask questions like that, you refer me to google. In the same spirit, I refer you to every comment longer than two paragraphs I have posted on your site. I've been quite detailed as to what my analysis is. You just don't care to read it, for fear it might make too much sense to ignore.

    (Smile emoticon here. I still wouldn't mind meeting you at the White House, while you had a cold beer and I had a coke or a ginger ale.)
