Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chris Matthews on Egypt: It's Bush's Fault

(Hat tip to Hot Air and News Busters)

Chris Matthews has come out with another laffer in "analyzing" the Egyptian crisis. Apparently, it's all about George W Bush-even though every president in the past generation has been supporting the Egyptian regime.

I can hardly wait to hear Matthews' analysis of how next Sunday's losing team lost the Super Bowl. He'll blame Bush for that too. Matthews must think it was Bush who starting giving Egypt $1.5 billion a year in mostly military aid after they made peace with Israel. This bunch is about as objective as Cindy Sheehan.

Isn't MSNBC embarrassed over the performance of its news anchors and their blatant partisanship?

1 comment:

  1. If the Packers lose the Super Bowl, it is because Wisconsin's new Republican governor, aka "The Fiscal Phantom," has sapped the moral of our home-state team.

    OK, on to serious matters. George W. Bush's administration bear a good share of the recent blame. Of course they were all over the map. They were so delerious about bringing freedom and democracy to the middle east they INSISTED that Mahmoud Abbas hold an election, even though everyone knew there was a good chance that Hamas would win it. Then they leaned on Hosni Mubarak as a bulwark against quasi-military Islamic theocracy, alienating the people of Egypt still further.

    But, Clinton, GHWB, and RR bear some of the responsibility, and Barack Hussein Obama hasn't exactly been creative in finding a way out.
