Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Still Think J Street is Pro-Israel?

If you still think J Street is a pro-Israel lobby, you may want to read this link from Mere Rhetoric.com about founder Daniel Levy. (The below two links are a few months old but hardly  outdated.)


Yes, George Soros and all, this is the organization that was founded as a leftist alternative to AIPAC (which does support Israel). The problem is that J Street seeks to mask its intentions. You may remember that President Obama's State Department liaison for anti-Semitic matters, Hannah Rosenthal, came from J Street. Her first act was to travel to Israel, where she proceeded to trash the Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren (putting herself in distinguished company, namely the UC-Irvine Muslim Student Union). According to some, Rosenthal is more concerned about Islamophobia than anti-Semitism.


(Hat tip to Israelmatzav)

To a non-Jewish observer like me, this is all quite confusing.


  1. Ad hominem, ad hominem, ad hominem...

    ...some dirt will rub off when I talks about you.

  2. Challenge my facts in this piece, Siarlys. Tell me what I wrote that is wrong.

  3. What facts?

    Once again, the facts you offer are that some Jews disagree with other Jews. What is surprising about that?
