Friday, December 24, 2010

Robert Menendez From the "Beautiful State of New Joisey"

Robert Menendez-Santa's Helper

Tip of the wig to the Huffington Post

Ariana Huffington is the biggest gift the US has received from Greece since broken plates and Greek sex. Once a conservative when she married a conservative billionaire who ran for governor of California, Ariana decided in mid-life to become a liberal, kinda like that other confused soul David Brock. But this piece isn't about Ariana; it is rather about New Joisey Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, who has penned a tour de resistance for Ariana's Huffington Post.

December 23, 2010

"Dear Santa Claus,

I am writing out of concern, because you may have to move from the North Pole due to the dramatic melting of Arctic sea ice. The Navy's chief oceanographer says that by the summer of 2020 the North Pole may not have summer ice and other scientists project that an ice-free Arctic is possible as soon as 2012!


"Other scientists"

"That's a big f------' deal!"

Scientists overwhelmingly agree that polar ice is melting because of greenhouse gas pollution and I am working hard to reduce these emissions. But there is probably nothing we can do in time to save the North Pole. I am worried about your safety and your ability to deliver billions of Christmas gifts if the ice cap on the North Pole no longer stays frozen all year. What will happen to your house, your workshop, the elves' houses and your reindeer barns?

I want you to know that if you want to relocate to the beautiful state of New Jersey,


Joisey City

.......I would be proud to assist you. But given the climate you are accustomed to, I will understand if you would like to relocate to the South Pole. Just be sure not to move to the Antarctic Peninsula or West Antarctic ice sheet, areas that are also experiencing rapid ice melt.

Ice melting on the scenic Joisey Turnpike

Please know that I will work to mobilize the U.S. federal government to assist when you relocate. I am sure we can both agree that on a warming planet, we need to do all we can to save Christmas."
"Save Frosty, Senator"


Robert Menendez

U.S. Senator

Hoboken in the fall.

You know the problem is Menendez probably believes what he is writing. I'll bet he even put an official US Senate stamp on the envelope and mailed it to the North Pole.


  1. Happy Holidays Gary,

    Being well prepared for my annual visit by Jacob Marley and the three Christmas Ghosts, I have this to offer on the "Global Warming" issue. First, we need to understand that Menendez is from New Jersey, which is the first strike. I recall a NJ Judge being as stupid as Menendez when sentencing a poor man who was received 7 years in prison for following all the Jersey gun laws and who did not violate any laws of New Jersey. Thanks to the Governor who saw this fright and commuted his sentence. On topic, I appreciated your humor in this blog. But I am afraid that Glenn Beck's Blaze has the prize and the cigar. Here is the link to the piece that will have us rolling over with laughter.

    Wishing all a very Merry Christmas


  2. It's good. New Jersey. That's where New York City puts its garbage cans out at night.

  3. Are you trying to state that the ice caps AREN'T melting?

  4. Lance,

    We have been over this ad finitum. I think this is all a big hoax at worst or something unproven at best. I also think Menendez should worry more about the environment of that toxic waste dump called New Jersey than about the North Pole,

  5. Yeah, we do go over it again and again, and each time you have the same lame-ass arguments that show that you don't even understand the issue. You've never even been able to define what it is, much less give any argument that hasn't long-since been debunked.

    Again, just answer that one simple question: Are you saying that the ice caps AREN'T melting?

  6. Lance,

    How's this for a lame ass answer.

    I hope you aren't referring to that UN IPCC report on the Himalayan glaciers, that was a BS report.

    So to answer your question-I don't know. Some same yes, and some say no, some same in certain places, and I really didn't stay up last night worrying about it.

  7. Oh yeah, some say yes, some say no. Let's make it simple:

    The ones who say yes are the ones who know what they're talking about. You know, like NASA. They even manage to be real specific about it:

    "In March 2002, the Rhode-Island-sized Larsen B ice shelf collapsed, the largest in a series of such retreats that began to take place around 1985 and have steadily increased."

    But I guess that's just an opinion, huh? Just like it's my opinion that the sky is blue.

    IPCC? You still singing that old tune? How about 98% of climatologists, the people who are actually experts in this field?

    Seriously, you rightly mock the 9/11 "truthers" but you global warming deniers are exactly the same as them. Evidence doesn't matter - all that matters is the pre-determined narrative!

  8. Lance,

    98% eh, sounds like you are the one pulling numbers out of a hat. Let's see there's you, Rajendra, Al Gore and the IPCC.

    20 years from now, the GW crowd will be be considered in the same group as the 9-11 Truthers, and everybody will be predicting a new ice age.

    Me? I got a life to live.

  9. I'm not pulling the numbers out of a hat. I've given you this study before, and you ignored it because it didn't fit your narrative.

    Facts...they're your friends! (Speaking of which, you dodged the whole inconvenient bit of research from NASA. But hey, what do they know? They're not as informed as a bunch of random, unnamed, obscure scientists and Fox News pundits!)

    I'm still waiting to see if you can even define what global warming is all about.

  10. Gary, for someone so concerned with other peoples problems your flippant attitute about the global warming is astounding to me. Don't you have grandchildren? Do you realize how many people and animals are already threatened and suffering because of the results of the reality of global warming. Your hate of Al Gore blinds you to the facts.
    "I got a life to live" is one of the most arrogant arguments, and I feel sorry for todays generation who have to live with exactly the results of that attitude by people of our generation "Apres nous le deluge".

  11. Ingrid,

    Because of this insane over reaction, we will now have to live with the California Global Warming Final Solutions Act (its orginal name until someone saw the signifigance of the name) which will bankrupt California and drive businesses elsewhere.

    Furthermore, I don't have grandchildren and I don't hate Al Gore. I laugh at him.

    And I am not blind.

    Merry Christmas. I hope it's not sweltering in Germany.

  12. If you are going to knock Mrs. Huffington for a mid-life change in politics, you should say something about David Horowitz doing the same thing in the other direction. Perhaps they were dance partners who tossed each other in opposite directions.
