Sunday, December 26, 2010

Napolitano to Travelers: Deal With it.

Janet Napolitano has made her latest ridiculous pronouncement on those silly TSA body searches.

Deal with it.

Of course, there is no update on whether Janet has decided whether Muslim women will be exempt or be able to pat themselves down.

Of course, there was another lame excuse for National Intelligence director James Clapper's being "out of the loop" about the arrest in the UK of 12 terrorist plotters. He was pre-occupied with the Korean situation and reducing our nuclear weapons for Russia's benefit. I guess Clapper is not what we would call a "multi-tasker". But, what the Hell; the "people who counted" were aware. I guess Clapper doesn't count.

Speaking of no new updates, wasn't it a couple of months ago Eric Holder said they were "nearing a decision" on where to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?


Sleep soundly, Fousesquawkers. We'll never know what hit us.


  1. Very trite Gary. You seem to have lost the thread of compiling facts that support thoughtful analysis (albeit I often found your analysis off base). Now you're just looking for cheap shot innuendo and "gotcha" turns of phrase. My Republican ancestors are no doubt turning over in their graves.

    Credit where credit is due: I'm glad to note that you recognize how silly the TSA's pattern of responding to each new unsuccessful terror operation with more and more intrusive searches has become.

    I should note that when liberals push this kind of knee-jerk response, they are generally afraid that if an attack succeeds, voices like yours will loudly demand to know why more intrusive searches were not implemented to prevent such a tragedy.

  2. Wrong,

    In the US, TSA undresses old people they know could never be terrorists. In Amsterdam, a Nigerian guy without his own passport pays cash for a one-way ticket and gets on the plane after some well-dressed Indian man intercedes for him. Of course, he should have been on the watchlist because his own father had turned him in to the State Dept.

    Meanwhile, we keep searching grannie.

  3. Yes, we agree on the solution. Instead of searching everyone, OR setting poorly trained, newly-hired, employees in a state of induced paranoia to intrusively search Amharic Christians who look vaguely Muslim, and Muslim families who own thriving free enterprises in the U.S. who are going to or from taking the kids to visit grandma, focus on making use of the intelligence they already had would have prevented even the near-misses we all have to worry about.
