Thursday, December 23, 2010

Claremont College's Middle East Professor-Bassam Frangieh

Campus Watch has posted an interesting article on one of Claremont College's "academic stars". Since I once wrote an article for Campus Watch, I consider them to be a reliable source of information on what passes for education in America academia. (I also note their "Howler of the Month" comes from the institution where I teach  (English-not my view of the world) UC-Irvine. Their posting is of a BigPeace article on Claremont professor Bassam Frangieh.

This, of course, comes as no surprise. Most universities around the country (and Canada) are infested with pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel activists who owe their positions to the generous funding from Saudi Arabia which finances all these Middle East Studies departments sprouting like weeds from one university to another. There is very little objective research or teaching going on here.

I also couldn't help but notice mention of that silly character who has been reduced to going around the lecture circuit being advertised as "independent scholar with a phd from Princeton". That is, of course, the absurd Norman (Don't call me Norm) Finkelstein. This nit-wit (who was canned by DePaul University for his crackpot scholarship) has brought his phony theories to UC-Irvine at least three times. Previously, he was swooned over by radical professors, deans, asst. deans and vice chancellors, but the last time, he was made to look like a fool (which he is) by a community audience that had decided enough was enough at UCI.

But back to this Frangieh character. What are we doing putting professors in our colleges who support Hamas and Hizbollah?

* PS- For you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies majors, Hizbollah is the bunch who blew up the Marine barracks in Lebanon shortly before they announced their formation to the world. Of course that happened before most of you were born, so maybe your "professors" have not told you about it.

1 comment:

  1. We can agree on the fools. My antidote is better than yours, because you feed into their perverted world view.
