Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Another Terror Plot Foiled in Scandinavia

Danish police have arrested five men, four of whom were residing in Sweden. The men were planning to attack the Jyllands Posten offices, the news organ which published the Danish cartoons. (You'd better read about this quickly. The mainstream American media won't spend a lot of time on this.)

Swedish police conducted a search of at least one residence outside Stockholm. The below report (in Swedish) is from the Svenska Dagbladet.

"Five persons were arrested yesterday in Denmark suspected of preparing a terrorist crime . Four of the persons are Sweden residents and three have Swedish citizenship. Police suspect they were planning to attack the local Jyllands Posten office in Copenhagen. Wednesday evening SAPO (Swedish Security Agency) carried out a search of the residence of one of the suspects outside Stockholm."

For you University of California at Santa Cruz Community Studies majors, the suspects are not, I repeat, not named Sven, Oly, Jan, Hendrik and Olaf.

The Swedish blog, Jihad i Malmo describes the suspects as two Tunisians, Two Lebanese and one Iraqi between the ages of 26-44.


  1. "He described some the suspects as "militant Islamists with relations to international terror networks" and said that more arrests were possible.
    PET said it seized a 44-year-old Tunisian, a 29-year-old Lebanese-born man and a 30-year-old who were living in Sweden and had entered Denmark late Tuesday or early Wednesday. The fourth person detained was a 26-year-old Iraqi asylum-seeker living in Copenhagen."

    This is a clear case of Islamaphobic racial profiling! Just because they were all Middle Eastern men and Muslim and plotting a terrorist act doesn't necessarily mean they are Islamic terrorists. It is conceivable they could be other things like Israelis from Lod or Huratees or even Amish trying to make the Muslims look bad. It must have been a plot by the CIA or even the Mossad ... right?

    I know there is a Leftie out there who will see my point. After all, we do the same things and look at McVeigh and the Crusades and what about that guy that time who machine gunned some Arabs?

    You could post stories like this one every day... actually several times a day and the Lefties would still insist that it is just a few bad apples or rather poor choices that some unfortunate soul made. Nothing ever would suggest that their religion is the thread that runs through all them. Maybe there is something violent taught in the Koran... just saying.


  2. You are correct, Miggie. One musn't rush to judgement, must one?

  3. Maybe there is something violent taught in the Koran

    As opposed to The Bible, which is violence-free.

  4. Sounds like the police are doing their job...
