Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Richard Blumenthal's "Miss Teen South Carolina" Moment

In Connecticut last night, Richard ("Vietnam Veteran") Blumenthal had an embarrassing moment when he was debating Linda McMahon for the Senate seat. Here's the big question: How do you create a job?

Remember this?

And this guy is ten points ahead in the polls?


  1. Yes, Linda McMahon, wife of Vince McMahon, the wrestling guy. So what? I would bet she has created more jobs than Blumenthal.

  2. She's a fake, as is her entire show. She let her own daughter slap her on live public TV. What does she know about running a country? What dues has she paid in public service. Hubris and narcissism, blended and writ large.

  3. Siarlys,

    Since I don't watch the wrasslin' matches, all I know about McMahon is she is married to Vince, who is a showman. If you don't like her for that-fine. Yet, she destroyed Blumenthal with that question, which he could not answer. I think it is safe to say, she has created a few jobs in her life-even if it's jsut wrestlers. Blumenthal is the guy who falsely claimed many times that he was a Viet nam vet. He clearly has no clue as to how to create a job.
