Monday, October 25, 2010

Harry Reid Press Spokeswoman Involved in Marriage Fraud With Terror Suspect

Fox News is reporting that Harry Reid's Press Spokeswoman for the Hispanic Community has been linked to a case of marriage fraud involving a Lebanese national later suspected in a terror probe.

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah"

Yes, I'll bet Harry is just thrilled to hear this bit of news.

A word about these marriage fraud cases. I previously wrote about a time in Thailand when our DEA office stumbled upon such a scheme in Bangkok involving 10 Chinese-Thai nationals who were marrying American women in order to get US visas. It is called marriage fraud and it is a crime against our immigration laws. It appears according to this story that not only did Diana Tejada engage in a sham marriage but lied to investigators about it.

I can tell you one thing; if she did engage in this action, she was paid more than just expenses. In the Thai case I mentioned, each man involved paid the "broker" $10,000 for the marriage connection. That was in the late 1970s.

This is just one more glaring example of the type of people who work for the Barack Obamas and the Harry Reids. There is a definite trend in this government of people being brought into positions of power who are, for lack of a better word, lax when it comes to matters of immigration control, crime and national security.

So I wonder what bonehead statement Reid will make now when reporters ask him about this tawdry story.

They will ask him, won't they?

Won't they?


  1. According to a blog that's going to start posting next week, Gary Fouse's second cousin's ex-wife's current paramour's next door neighbor is a former student of Osama bin Laden when he used to teach at Bob Jones University, under the alias Bobby Joe Sprigsley.

    (Come on Gary, you're BETTER than the National Enquirer.)

  2. Siarlys,

    You might also add that the Bob Jones Library has all 3 books I wrote.

    It goes to the people Obama, Reid et al select to work for them. One could write a book about it.

  3. One could also write a book about Alice Roosevelt Longworth's affair with Senator William E. Borah. So what?

  4. It is presumed to have produced a child, a daughter whom Alice intended to name Deborah. Her husband, who had been notoriously philandering all over town, including with Alice's best friend, said he would support and accept the daughter in his household as his own, but he would NOT raise a child in his house named "De Borah." (You're a foreign language expert Gary, I'm sure you get the pun.)

    Alice would have divorced him, but her father and step mother all but threatened to put her in an insane asylum if she disgraced the family by doing so.
