Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Delusional" Gloria Allred Taken to the Shed by Greta Van Susteren/Mark Levin

Gloria Allred-ambulance chaser and attorney to women who don't need attorneys (until they get involved with Gloria.)

Get a load of Gloria Allred's appearance on  Greta Van Susteren's "On the Record" on Fox News, where Greta gives the what-for to Big Red in no uncertain terms. (Note: This video seems to be coming down from the internet even as I am posting it.)

Of course, Allred makes a fool out of herself by referring to  her client (Nicki Diaz Santillan) as "Rosa Parks".

Note how she also does the typical liberal thing of attacking Fox News. Greta lets her have it over that.

In addition, Greta lets Allred know that she considers her lawyerly advice to be pretty.....what's the word...


"In addition, my client is also a serial murderer, and Meg Whitman knew and didn't take any action until she ran for governor." (Actually, I'm making this up for emphasis. Never know. I might find myself getting sued by Allred and her client.)

Then there was Allreds' appearance on Mark Levin's radio show this week:

Levin: "Is your client an illegal alien?"

Allred: "No, she is an undocumented worker."

Gloria Allred, Ladies and Gentlemen. Attorney to women who don't need attorneys.

"Faster, will'ya? She's catching up!"


  1. Meg Whitman paid this woman $23 an hour. Almost 3x min wage. I don't believe she knew for if she did the woman's wages would have been more on the level of $5 an hour or less.

  2. The first point is irrefutable. Allred has done her client a gross disservice.

    I suspect she did so with the client's knowledge, and the client is going to get a golden parachute on her way back to Mexico. As George W. Bush said to John McCain, "It's politics."

    Points two and three are the pot calling the kettle black.

    Also, Allred should have put her lipstick on before appearing on TV.

  3. She looks worse with her lipstick. Did you not see my photo?

  4. I was thinking of your photo Gary. I don't mind seeing an elitist like Gloria done up like that. I just don't want a millionaire with no political experience, who admits she didn't even vote until a couple of years ago, elected to run the 14th largest economy in the world. In fact, I suspect this is going to be a big year for millionaires who loaned their campaigns tens of millions of dollars to find out that voters aren't impressed, all across the country.
