Thursday, October 28, 2010

Desperation Time at MSNBC

How pathetic is it to watch the five slugs at MSNBC desperately trying to head off the tsunami that appears to be coming  Tuesday. Last night, I caught the final minutes of Keith Olbermann's "Special Comment", in which he read off a list of "tea party" candidates and told us all the things they intended to abolish if they get to Congress. The theme, "If the Tea Party Takes Over" was a true dooms-day scenario.

"Jake Snake, tea party candidate from Bulls Nuts, Wyoming, wants to abolish the World Series."

Well, here; take a look:

"Did I leave anybody out"?

Which one was it that wanted to abolish Mom and  apple pie, Keith?

I'm still betting that Keith will one day take hostages and go down fighting on the roof of the NBC building.

Speaking of Las Vegas ........

MSNBC hostess, and Tim Geithner look-a-like Rachel Maddow went Keith one step further. She actually flew out to Nevada to be on the scene. There she was making a public show of trying to find and interview Sharron Angle then interviewing The Great Man" himself, Dingy Harry, as Rush Limbaugh (my hero) calls him. What followed was a "memorable interview" as she and Reid commiserated what a horrible woman Angle was and what a disaster it will be for the country if Reid is not re-elected to "continue his great service to the nation." I wonder if Rachel also voted early for Reid. Oops, she's not a Nevada resident, so that's impossible, right?



  1. It must really irk you when the left tries to imagine these doomsday scenarios! Only the right is allowed to do that! (And if you think they don't, then, well...come on.)

  2. Good point, Lance. I am guilty of it too. I can imagine a doomsday scenario if Obama and the Dems remaining in power. It consists of the US becoming a 2nd rate power and living under a state-controlled socialistic form of govt. I say it every day on this blog. However, I do not represent a major news organization like NBC News.

    Now you will hit me back with Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck and that's fair. But on MSNBC you have 5 solid hours of the same message with no counter-arguments;

    Ed Schultz
    Chris Matthews
    Keith Olbermann
    Rachel Maddow
    Larry O'Donnell

    Until, finally exhausted, they all collapse and start running Lock Up or To Catch a Predator

  3. This is why I don't watch either Fox News or MSNBC. I like CNN for the most part, but not all of it. (I didn't watch something like Rick Sanchez's show, for instance. And Larry King is a fine entertainment show but not a very informative news show.) I also like my local news (both paper and TV).

    No, wait, that's not right. I get all my news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Oh, and Fousesquawk.

  4. CNN is trying to get a more down the middle image-probably a wise move. They still lean left.

    I heard a critique today by Larry Elder on Stewart's analysis of the mortgage meltdown which he apparently attribited to corporate greed.

    When has there not been corporate greed? Was it not there when Clinton was president?

    Larry correctly pointed out that the real cause was the Community reinvestment Act, allowing Fannie and Freddie to run wild and yes, he mentioned Glass-Steagall-which was according to him done away with under Clinton.

    The trail still leads back to Barney Frank and Chris Frank.

  5. Yeah, Gary. Them and them alone. Nothing else. No other possible cause. It's amazing how much power those two guys had!

  6. Lance,

    Yes-it is amazing how much power they did have.

  7. Wow. Where's that "common sense" you value so much?

  8. I don't see a tsunami coming. I see both parties sitting in the mud scratching their heads, while confused pundits try to figure out a pattern to the ups and downs.

    But you are right about the weakness of the Democratic platform. I've been throwing away letters from the DNC all year, raving about another incarnation of the "vast right wing conspiracy." For God's sake, don't give those cretins the time of day or imply they have any real power. Their power lies in their ability to inflate themselves in the minds of those who fear them.

    Next week, it will all be a bad dream, no thanks to the DNC, but thanks to a few dedicated individual candidates who ran honestly as themelves, and the discernment of voters who are realizing "OK, this has been fun, but those guys are CRAZY, I'm not voting to put THEM in power!"

  9. Lance,

    What did you think about Obama's performance with Stewart. It looks like he made a fool of himself.

  10. I thought that Stewart did a good job, considering that he's doing a comedy show. As for Obama, I thought he was genuine for the most part, but he was hemming and hawing the way a politician often will. I don't think he made a fool of himself, but I didn't hear anything that impressed me either.

  11. I'm glad we have a president who is not afraid to go on a comedy show, knowing that he is of course going to be lampooned. Isn't American great? Remember when Hussein al-Takriti asked Diane Sawyer "In America, people who insult the president are not punished?" Nope, they're not, and the president is even expected to join in the laughter.
