Sunday, September 26, 2010

J Street Funded by George Soros

George Soros-The money man behind the socialization of America

Hat tip to Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism and JTA

J Street, that left-wing group founded as a counter-point to AIPAC, and which pretends to be pro-Israel while consistently taking pro-Palestinian positions, has now admitted that it accepts money from the financial backer of the major socialist causes in America, George Soros.


J Street is as much a supporter of Israel as Feisal Abdul Rauf is a bridge builder. They are both wolves in sheep's clothing, and the revelation-after initial denials- that George Soros is supporting them with his riches should wake up people who think this group is a true supporter of Israel.


  1. Yeah, George Soros funds socialism about as much as Henry Ford (the original anti-semite who hired armed goons to shoot down auto workers who joined the union), or John D. Rockefeller (the original one, who hired armed thugs to gun down miners and burn tents around their families, and in his old age hired lactile young women to nurse him, hoping it would prolong his life).

    When has Soros called for the Workers of the World to take over the means of production from the capitalists... like... uh... George Soros?

  2. George Soros made his fortune by his work to devalue the British pound. He is the principle behind the scenes financier of the leftist movement in America.

  3. Siarlys, stop confusing things by insisting that the definitions of words be considered when using such words.

  4. Yes, much as I admire Gary's erudition, he is beginning to remind me of the famous quotation from Humpty-Dumpty, "When I use a word, it means exactly what I choose it to mean."

    There are no leftists on George Soros's benevolence list, only culture vultures. The way he made his money proves that he is no socialist.

  5. Siarlys,

    Please come back down to earth and explain what you mean by that in simple terms. Remember, I only have a masters degree.

  6. That's the problem Gary, I'm just a regular guy with a high school diploma, and you pointy-headed intellectuals can't understand common sense, you're too full of that highfallutin' stuff they teach on college campuses these days.

    The point about Humpty-Dumpty: words have meaning. The reason language is an effective method for communication is that people can reasonably assume that a given word means the same thing every time it is used. If I say "apple" you and everyone else who hasn't been raised in a basement as the product of incest knows what an apple is.

    Socialism is a political ideology, which defines the world in terms of class struggle, and calls on "the workers," those who work for a wage, to seize control of capital (property used for economic production, the place where I go to apply for a job when I need one) and run it for the common good.

    George Soros is not a worker, he is not a socialist, he is not even a useful idiot who donates money to socialist causes for some odd reason.

    George Soros is a speculator, the kind of guy Lenin would have... what was the phrase in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?" ... "who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes"? There are peaceful forms of socialism, but Soros is not of that ilk either.

    Now, those you refer to as "the leftist movement in America." They are comfortably well off upper middle class people, not proletarians. They are concerned with abstract forms of social control that no working stiff has time to think about, but rightly resents when any such nanny-state nonsense is encountered in real life. Most of the stuff these people are into isn't even about ending poverty in any material sense, and when it casts an occasional glance in that direction, is terribly patronizing.

    Will that do for a start?
