Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chrysler Workers Busted on Camera

Fox News in Detroit nailed these Chrysler workers on their lunch break.

And about 2 years down the road, you know where those Chrysler products will end up.

Now I know why I drive a foreign car.


  1. This video is a testament to why a lot of U.S. citizens do not buy American cars. I have owned five BMWs and all of them have had over 200,000 miles on the odometer before I traded them in. I have owned a Nissan 300z and put over 250, 000 miles on the ticker. My old Porsche (owned in my twenties, thirties), had over 300,000 miles. All the these cars had no major issues, maintained quality and performance throughout their service.
    Currently, I own a American Muscle car with 40,000 miles and it has mysterious bubbling in the roof paint, hard plastic that breaks and needed aftermarket upgrades. A small American made truck has had failed side door latch issues on four occasions, broken plastic seat adjusting handles, collapsed storage box flip-door and an unrepairable front wheel anlignment problem (it has 80,000 miles)..
    I have learned my lesson. Back to BMW.


  2. I couldn't afford an American car in Sept 2007, so I bought a Kia Rio. It wasn't a choice between an American car or a foreign car, it was a Kia Rio or nothing. Gas mileage is good too, sometimes up to 40 mpg.

    My next car will be a 2017 Chevy Volt, or a Nissan Leaf, or an as yet unannounced competitor. I know a guy who converted a 2003 Geo to electric for $1500. Surely Detroit, or someone, can produce a convenient local use car for $10,000 or so once economies of scale kick in. I'm sure Kia can.

    For long distance trips, I'll be riding high speed rail. I prefer Amtrak now, but it doesn't go enough places, and it travels on freight tracks that are poorly maintained.
