Monday, August 30, 2010

State Department "Sacrifices" Arizona to the UN

You see, the way I figure it, the UN is King Kong, the villagers are the State Department, and Fay Wray is Arizona-or Janet Brewer-take your pick.

Remember that scene from King Kong when the villagers sacrifice Fay Wray to King Kong?


In yet another outrage by the Obama administration, our State Department, under the illustrious leadership of Hillary Clinton...

....has submitted a report to the UN Human Rights Council on....Arizona.

And if that doesn't remind you of that King Kong scene, haven't had as much wine as I have had for dinner tonight.

So once again, our government prostrates itself to the international community by including Arizona as a human rights case right up there with Darfur, stonings in Iran, and all those other "similar" abuses.


  1. I wasn't planning on going to watch a midnight showing of "King Kong," until someone walked by the card game I was focused on and asked "Anyone going to watch King Kong fight U.S. imperialism?" Well, put that way, how could I miss it? When the natives took Fay Wray over the side, everyone broke into applause.

    The UN is what? Arizona is who? I thought Arizona was an upside down ship in Pearl Harbor with a memorial on top of it...

  2. Do you see the plan?! Remember the Ex-Harvard Law School Dean, Harold Koh? He was appointed to the U.S. State Department, as one of their lawyers. Koh was grilled by the Senate on his "International law" position as it relates to the U.S. Constitution. He was appointed. But, we know that Koh loves "International law" and feels that parts of sharia law can work in the U.S. G-d forbid.
    With Obama's love of international law and its ability to reign over the U.S. constitution, Koh's push and Hillary's offering to the UN Human Rights Counsel, we are in dangerous waters.
    I recall Rachel Ehrenfeld's book, "Funding Evil" and the fact that she was sued by a Saudi prince millionaire for millions, in a British court. She won the case and New York State wrote a document called Racheal's law (soon to be followed up by a Rachel's law for the U.S.) Now, Thanks to Obama and his minions, we will not be so safe, due to international law's sovereignty over our Constitution.
    Here is a link to an interesting article:

  3. Well, if international law means anything, it means every nation gives every other nation the courtesy of adhering to it. You know, we won't fire cannon at your ships in X circumstance and you won't fire at ours.

    I'm not sure what "sovereignty" international law could have over our constitution. Only by formal approval of a treaty, in the manner designated by the constitution, can any international law become "the supreme law of the land."

    I don't see a plan at all. I see a report, a rather poorly thought out one. I would have taken the time to be creative, original, use it as an opportunity for introspection on what we really want to DO about the whole situation. There was a lot of boring bureaucratic fluff in that report. But I don't object to the idea that if every other country files reports, maybe we should apply the same to ourselves now and then.
