Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Six O'Clock People's News

"What time is it, Obama Scouts?"

"Six O'Clock, Scoutmaster Keith!"

"That's right! It's time for the six o'clock People's News."

(Entrance music)

"Aus dem Fuehrerhauptquartier....Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt..."

"Good evening. Today in Washington, the Most Holy Reverend Al Sharpton held a rally attended by some 2 million people......"

...."while a few dozen right-wing rednecks defaced the Lincoln Memorial by turning up to listen to Fox News shock-jock Glenn Beck attack President Obama..."

...."We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special news report. Das White Haus gibt bekannt...."

In Memorium:

"What's the frequency, Kenneth?"


  1. My local paper had a pretty balanced article on the event - made it seem like more of a positive thing.

  2. No, Shiarlys, there hasn't been any news on the major networks since about 1985.

    Actually, Rather is on somewhere, but I don't know the frequency.

  3. Rather? I thought he retired in permanent disgrace after chasing down some dubious documentary evidence of nothing about George W. Bush's youth, when he should have been reporting on the disgraceful job the man was doing as president.

    Major networks? Glad to hear you admit there's been no news on Fox either. Don't try to wriggle out of it -- nothing that big can pretend not to be a "major network." They're all "mainstream media" in my book.

  4. Rather was trying to swing an election with a report in which he had been warned that the documents were probably forgeries. It was probably the most scandalous reporting in history.

  5. The most scandalous reporting in history would be a case where the outcome of the election was actually swung.

    Rather was chasing after a wil-o-the-wisp that most voters didn't much care about, accepted some dubious "documentary evidence," blew his career, all for absolutely nothing. It was more pathetic than disgraceful.

    That election was decided by people who hadn't made up their mind until the morning of voting day which way they were going to vote, held their nose, took one last look at Bush, took one last look at Kerry... and reluctantly signed on for four more years of the kid.
