Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Nuttiness on MSNBC

Rachel Maddow

Last night, I happened to accidentally switch on MSNBC as I got in bed. (Must have been that darn tequila.) Anyway, there was old Edward R. Olbermann wrapping up his Hour of Sour with that creepy little twit Michael Musto from the Village Voice.

Topic of discussion? Rush Limbaugh's wedding and the presence of Elton John at said event. Naturally, Musto had a pre-arranged line of sophomoric gags about Limbaugh and John's respective sexualities. The set up is that Olbermann reads a line of pre-arranged questions, and Musto replies with his "jokes".

Gee, I wonder what the rest of the show was like (that I missed while I was nursing my Tequila). Surely, Eugene (Chuckles) Robinson must have been there. Surely, Newsweek's Richard Wolffe (with 2 "f"s) must have neen on. Jonathan Alter, perhaps? It's the same lineup every night. Maybe George Washington University professor Jonathan Turley was on explaining why Limbaugh's marriage was illegal.

Then it was on to Tim Geithner look-a-like Rachel Maddow.....

.....and her "in-depth analysis" of the Gulf oil spill. Rachel has it all figured out who is to blame.

BP, of course.


But more specifically, Rachel has identified the real scandal. You see, according to Maddow and some professors from Tulane and the University of Georgia, the oil industry, while developing all this super technology to allow it to drill in deep water (5,000 feet in this case), has never developed the technology to deal with an oil spill in deep water.

That's the scandal, according to Rachel.

Well, that may all be true, but Rachel should have drilled (no pun intended) just a little bit deeper. The question begs; why were they drilling in deep water to begin with instead of water closer to shore -or on shore, say, like Alaska, where a spill could be dealt with much more easily and efficiently?

Answer: The environmental lobby. Why do you think the evil oil companies are drilling in 5,000 feet of water? It is the environmental lobby and the pressure they put on legislators to keep them from drilling closer to shore-or on shore..

Rachel, my dear, if only you had opened one more door, you could have gotten to the bottom of it all (no pun intended).

I also noted that Rachel said not one word about her dear government (and president). Why didn't Rachel speak about the slow response of the government? (Probably didn't want to upset her twin brother, Tim.) Had Bush been president, she would have been all over him for sitting around for 40 days, don't you agree, professor?


None of this should be interpreted as a defense of BP. It is their fault and their responsibility to fix it and pay for it. The government can't except maybe bring in others to help if BP can't do the job.

But nice try, Rachel. Had you just drilled a little deeper, you could have won a Pulitzer-just like Eugene (Chuckles) Robinson.


  1. Who are you, and what have you done with Gary Fouse? The real Gary showed sparks of intelligence, even if he was often wrong in his specific conclusions. This confused stream of ad hominem remarks, concluding with pathetic plagiaristic parrotting of Palin (unattributed at that) is a real disappointment. Where is the laughing monkey?

  2. The nonsense about, if only we have allowed the oil companies to do all the drilling they wanted in shallow water, closer to all our beaches, swimmers, fishing beds, etc., they wouldn't have had to be drilling dangerously in deep water... pathetic.
