Saturday, June 26, 2010

Israel Teaches Obama a Lesson

You know that Iranian ship that was going to deliver "aid" to Gaza?

Well, it ain't gonna happen because the Iranians backed down and canceled the trip after Israel declared that it would consider it an act of war and act accordingly.

Result? The Iranians backed down.

And that, folks is a lesson to the rest of the world-especially our own willy-nilly president. Israel let Iran know that it was prepared to blow their ship(s) right out of the water if they approached their territorial waters. That's the way it should be done.


  1. Since Iranian ships coming into our waters is such an imminent threat and all...

  2. Anonymous,

    It's called "the bigger picture", which obviously went over your head.

  3. No Gary, you are offering a "smaller picture," without drawing it out into any meaningful analogies. I was going to speculate that you want the U.S. navy to shoot at the next Iranian ship to sail to Gaza, now that Israel has shown us how its done?

    Israel is the nation which felt its sovereignty and security were threatened, and acted accordingly, with respect to waters it has lawful jurisdiction over, and the adjacent high seas. Now, exactly what would you have the U.S. do, specifically, concretely, which would apply this "lesson" the Israelis have administered to the United States of America?
