Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hamas Refuses Red Cross Access to Gilad Shalit

The below report comes from the liberal Israeli news organ, Haaretz and cocerns the latest refusal by Hamas in Gaza to allow the International Red Cross access to Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Hamas in 2006 by gunman who had tunneled under the Gaza-Israel border attacking his post and killing two Israeli soldiers in the process. Gilad was taken into Gaza where he has been held prisoner ever since.

The sad question is whether Gilad is still alive and/or how has he been treated as a prisoner. We must remember after the fighting between Israel and Hizbollah in South Lebanon back in 2006, when they returned the bodies of two Israeli soldiers abducted from the border with Lebanon, which sparked the fighting. The two soldiers were returned dead with signs of severe torture.

Of course, you won't hear Gilad's case taken up by the George Galloways of the world or the people in the International Solidarity Movement or the other folks who are involved in those Free Gaza peace convoys to Gaza. They don't care.

What about the UN? They are so interested in investigating "Israeli war crimes". Doesn't the UN care that Hamas will not allow the Red Cross to visit Gilad?

Of course they don't.

A question for all you Hamas supporters here in the US: Now do you understand why they are labeled a terrorist organization?


  1. The problem here is that the loud active voices seem to be divided between the "Israel Uber Alles" crowd, represented here by Gary Fouse, and the "Israel is a Fascist Warmonger" crowd, represented by a cast of fools Gary has presented here in some profusion.

    The truth is, Hamas is no sane person's idea of good government (although they won the election against Fatah by campaigning against Fatah's corruption), and Israeli policy is a real hazard to Israel and its allies.

    I'm not sure what the practical manifestation of a "third way" would be. It is unlikely that a UN force could successfully defuse the situation -- there aren't enough sufficiently disciplined and motivated troops available, and it would become a target for sharpshooters from both Hamas and the right-wing nationalist settlers.

    An armed convoy capable of both breaking the Israeli blockade AND refusing cooperation with Hamas, proceeding to set up clean water facilities and hydroponic gardens in a "liberated zone" would be tempting, but probably no militarily tenable.

    A religiously neutral communist insurrection in Gaza would be welcome, but there don't seem to be any communists left who could pull off such a thing.

    I guess we're back to, let the PLO build something viable in the west bank, Israel pull back as the Palestinians find they have enough going for them economically that its not worth letting their territory be a war zone, and then see what people in Gaza do when they hear from their relatives how good life is now in Jericho.

  2. When have I said "Israel uber alles"? I have often conceded that Palestinians have legitimate issues. Where I draw the line is that Israel has a right to exists and defend herself.

    If you have never read Hamas Charter, you should do so.

  3. I don't doubt your references to the Hamas charter. I haven't read anything here recognizing that Palestinians have some legitimate issues, but I'm glad to hear you say so. I have had the distinct impression that, in the name of defending Israel's right to defend itself, you have advocated giving the government in power in Israel a blank check. Perhaps that is not what you mean to say.
