Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Elena Kagan-Will be the Third Woman to Sit on the Supreme Court

Or at least that is what Senator Pat Leahy (pictured below) said this morning.

"Being the first woman dean of Harvard Law School is no mean feat. She is also the first woman solicitor general, and I think she will be the third woman to sit on the Supreme Court." (There may be a very slight paraphrasing there. To the best of my recollection, those were his words.)

Let's see......

Sandra Day O'Connor
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Sonia Sotomayor

Elana Kagan

Yep, 3+1 makes 3 alright. That's why Leahy is committee chair.

(I know. I'm nitpicking.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous,

    If it were my face it would increase the value of that horse greatly.
