Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fine Dining For the Hungry Travelers of "Free Gaza"

On board the Leakin' Lena

In case you didn't know, there is another Free Gaza flotilla en route to the Gaza strip with all kinds of goodies for the "besieged people" of Gaza. (Translation: Egypt and Israel have closed off their borders to Gaza because they don't want any suicide bombers.) Anyway, I take note that on board the "Freedom Flotilla" is none other than Hedy Epstein, a very nice old lady, albeit misguided, who, two weeks ago, spoke at UC-Irvine about how bad Israel was. Why is Israel so bad? Elementary, my dear Watson. They won't let those poor Palestinian suicide bombers come into Israel proper and blow up pizza parlors and buses. The Israelis are also concerned about weapons smuggling into Gaza by sea and have offered to offload true emergency supplies at an Israeli port for transfer to Gaza.

Well, anyway, here is an exciting update brought to us by none other than "Free Gaza" itself. It appears that the Moment of Truth is near. Check it out:

It's all very confusing, you see. According to the latest Tweets (is that the right word?) Two boats, Challenger I and Challenger II (I'm not making this up, folks) ran aground on Cyprus. Now, they are sending "Messages to the World" that the Israeli navy is about to stop them.


Why pray? Because, if you read the statements coming from Free Gaza, ex-President Jimmy Carter says that "the people of Gaza are starving".

But I do have good news for Ms Epstein and other international humanitarians. When you arrive in starving Gaza (if), you can look forward to dining in a 5-star restaurant in Gaza City.

Introducing Roots of Gaza Restaurant.

I am informed that the sauteed duck a'la Bordeaux in French dill sauce is President Carter's favorite.

By the way, if you are thinking that maybe these "humanitarians" would use their pull to help out that Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, who has been held in Gaza for four years, forget about it. See below:

So let's follow the dangerous trek together, folks. Will our intrepid travelers feast in Roots tomorrow or will they meet a fate "too terrible to contemplate"?

Hopefully, this time some Egyptian border guard won't be shot and killed by the impatient Gazans waiting for their whatever it is that's on board the "Freedom Flotilla".


  1. You win. It looks like no Egyptian border guard got shot this time.

  2. Now you know why Egypt also blocks their border with Gaza. Nobody ever talks about that, however.
