Thursday, April 29, 2010

Villaraigosa Calls For Arizona Boycot and May Day March

LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who has all but run LA into the ground as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens, today spoke at a news conference where he urged an economic boycott of Arizona by the city and called for folks to all come out for the annual May Day march on Saturday (something we all look forward to).

Of course, Villaraigosa and his liberal pals could care less that Arizona has almost 500,000 illegal aliens. he could care less that Arizona is the main entry point for illegal aliens. He could care less about the violent crime that is rocking Arizona. (He could care less about the violent crime that is rocking Los Angeles.) He could care less that Phoenix has become the kidnap capital of the nation. He could care less about the urgency of the situation given the drug war on the Mexican border. He could care less that the overwhelming majority of people in Arizona, including Hispanics, welcome the new law.

He wants open borders.

Villaraigosa calls for "comprehensive immigration reform", which is, as we all know, a call for amnesty for the 12-15 million people who are here illegally. That is what he considers a better alternative to securing our borders.

Like his liberal friends, he repeats the canard that it is all about racism because the majority of illegal aliens-especially in Arizona-are Latinos. He makes it a racial issue because the illegals are brown.

What Villaraigosa ignores is that if Canadians were flocking by the millions across our northern border, the problem would be the same, and the response would be the same. Does the mayor really think that white people in Montana would be protesting the enforcement of our immigration laws because the Canadians are white?

The inescapable fact is that the Tony Villaraigosas of this country are speaking against the rule of law and the sovereignty of our country. He has ignored the law in the city he runs, welcomes illegal aliens and accepts the gang crime that runs rampant. And guess who the biggest victims of illegal alien gangs are. Other Latinos, that's who.

Villraigosa doesn't care because he is too much into liberal, ethnic politics.

So come on out Saturday and march, folks. Show your anger at this "unjust" law, says Mayor Tony. They are expecting 100,000 people Saturday. Now, with the mayor and those other clucks in the city government stoking their anger, there is no telling what is liable to happen.

What irresponsible political leadership!


  1. Those on the left are afraid that if this law catches on they might have to clean their own homes, mow their own lawns, wax their own cars, and mind their own kids. Such horror!

  2. I don't think we would as upset about the Candians because they just don't bring with them all the crime and mayham the Mexicans do. Facts are facts.

    We should switch the basis of our immigration policy. Instead of some compassion reasons we should allow in those whose skills and backgrounds WE want. It should be based on merit, education, needed skills knowledge experience inv industries we want to develop along with an identifiable intent to learn our language and assimilate into OUR culture and not attempting to impose theirs.

  3. Gary, are you ever going to address your assertion about how police officers can easily tell a legal from an illegal? I know that I sure as hell can't tell them by sight.

    Until then, I just have two points:

    1. For a person who's always eager to point out similarities to the Nazis, you sure are missing the "Show us your papers!" analogy here.

    2. As I've always said, if they REALLY wanted to stop illegal immigration, they'd go after the people who hire them. Make it a ten year prison sentence for anybody who hires one - problem solved.

  4. Lance,

    Forget the cops (who can develop their reasobnable suspicion as they go along), I'll bet you can tell the difference after 5 seconds talking with them.

  5. I'll try again, Lance. It doesn't take much to tell the difference between a Mexican-Amer4ican and an illegal alien-unless you are some dolt from Vermont who has never seen one.

    Show us your papers. Isn't that what they say when you land at any international airport in the world? If you were walking down the street in Germany, and a cop stopped you (for some legit reason), he sees you are not German and asks for your passport? Thta's not something they did only under Hitler-they still do it-everywhere.

    Go after those who hire illegals? Sure. But why do they put up legal roadblocks for employers to ask for papers?

    Let's face it. We are all compromised.

  6. Are you saying that they can tell them on-sight? Sure, they're probably illegal if they're hanging out in front of the Home Depot looking for work. But beyond that? I've known some folks from Mexico who were legal but had some pretty thick accents.

    All this is going to do is result in some Latino citizens being harassed. It's not going to solve anything.

  7. You are mixing apples and oranges on this one. If we have to ask people to show ID because armed gangs are a clear and present danger (I'm all for firm suppression of armed gangs), then we should require EVERYONE to show their papers. Cops can't tell at first sight if someone is affiliated with an armed gang either. If we are not willing to do that (we citizens who prize our freedom from government inteference, and I am certainly one of those), then what's the point of this convoluted law? The law is being sold as an antidote to problems the law will not solve. That's hysterical, and I don't mean funny.

  8. Lance,

    I think AZ has made it clear, cops can't just pull someone over because they look Hispanic. That is racial profiling. If, however, they come into lergit contact with someone, they will be able to determine legally whether the person is illegal. The big thing is taat it makes these insane sanctuary cities illegal. I don't want to see Hispanic Americans tossed for no reason either. Everybody in Az knows that they have a large Mexican-American population, and I don't think there is any intent to harass them. I don't want to brag, but I could chat with someone for about 30 seconds and have a pretty good idea if they are illegal or not, but, as you say, I am from law enforcement plus i am married to a Mexican. I am around Mexicans all the time.


    At one point or another, anyone could have to show ID to police. It doesn't make us a Nazi state.

  9. Forgive me if I'm being obtuse, but how the heck can you tell that somebody is illegal just by talking to them? Does their accent change when they become legal? Could you tell an illegal from somebody who was born and raised in El Salvador but had his green card?
