Monday, March 29, 2010

Republicans Handcuffed Again-Literally!

Who says I'm not fair and balanced?

No wonder the Republicans can't get anything done. With the Democrats in Washington running everything, the poor Republicans have been handcuffed-literally. Apparently, some RNC "high-rollers" spent $2,000 at a Hollywood bondage-theme night club recently.

"...classic slutty" where "you might not be completely shocked at the almost naked women writhing on each other, but you will undoubtedly be in awe."

Today on Fox, some RNC spokeshole apologized to Republican donors and said that RNC Chairman Michael Steele was outraged (and he wasn't at the Voyeur Club himself). The spokeshole said that all the money would be repaid then mentioned the Dems have a similar scandal on their hands involving some East Coast girlie joint.

"Here come those stingy Republicans again."

One can only imagine the horrific scenes.

You know, I get e-mails all the time from somebody in an RNC boiler room someplace that signs off as Michael Steele. The message is always the same. In order to save America from Obama et al, I need to send money to the RNC.

"We need money urgently to purchase handcuff keys to free our executives."

I'll bet they're getting some juicy responses to their pleas for more money.

This is an example of why the Republicans are in the shape they are in. This is why we may soon have a new party called the Tea Party.

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