Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Defamation of Religion-One Sane Voice at the UN

(Hat tip to Vlad Tepes)

Here is David G. Littman speaking before the UN Human Rights Council (sort of a contradiction of terms, really) on the whole shebang about the Defamation of Religions measure, which should read Defamation of One Religion.

It's refreshing to know that the UN occasionally allows a few sane voices to be heard.

In case you didn't know, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a 57-member group of Islamic nations, has been pushing this measure at the UN, which would criminalize any criticism of religions world-wide. Yet, the only specific religion mentioned is Islam, and that would be the only religion that the measure would effectively enforce. Meanwhile, as Mr Littman points out, the same voices that want to silence any criticism of Islam over the issue of terror and sharia law, are consistently spouting defamatory comments about Jews and Christians.

On March 25, 2010, the Defamation of Religion measure, introduced by Pakistan, narrowly passed the Council. Here is the text. Please read it carefully. If you just scan or skim it, it seems benign.


Note that there is only one religion mentioned-Islam. If you were a Christian, Jew or Baha'i living in a Muslim country, you might wonder why your religion wasn't specifically mentioned. Sorry. Must have been a typo.

It kind of reminds you of.....

1 comment:

  1. Balance is not an issue, Gary. In fact, they included references to Christianophobia & anti-semitism at the last moment to create a false appearance of balance.

    Criminalizing criticism of all religions instead of Islam alone would no be beneficial.

    The purpose is twofold: prevent the faith of Muslims from deterioration due to questioning and prevent their intended victims from reconginzing the enemy and mounting an effective defense.

    The HRC's Ad Hoc Committee for the Elaboration of Complementary Standards will meet from Nov. 29 to Dec. 10 for the purpose of coding a protocol to ICERD. The protocol will criminalize all criticism of Islam. The Senate will ratify it, Obama will sign it, and the First Amendment will be nullified.

    Article 4 of ICERD requires the prohibition by law of all "propaganda and organizations which are based on ideas or theories of superiority ...or which attempt to justify or promote racial hatred and discrimination in any form."

    Qur'an 3:110 supported by Sahih Bukhari 6.60.80 & 98:6 are flagrant violations of that provision.

    We need to bring that fatal fact to the attention of the World Court.

    We need to compel specific enforcement of the relevant provisions of ICERD, ICCPR & CPPCG which intrinsic & immutable Islamic doctrines violate, requiring its proscription by law.

    This is the purpose of the International Qur'an Petition.

    Only 171 people have signed that petition. We need to make it go viral. w to inspire people to sign it and propagate it by email to their friends, families & associates with an exhortation to forward it.

    A compilation of previous blog posts on the subject of the Ad Hoc Cmte. can be found here:

    The Cmte.'s draft document can be found here:

    If not us, who? If not now, when? Liberty is on the line.
