Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama Snubs Netanyahu

What was that Hillary Clinton told AIPAC last week? Something like relations between the US and Israel were rock solid? Someone forgot to brief the President.

So Obama walks out on the Prime Minister of Israel to have a private dinner with his wife and basically tells Netanyahu to make himself comfortable. You know, this is the kind of diplomacy one doesn't give to our worst adversaries when their leader comes to the White House. It may seem trivial to those who know nothing about the art of diplomacy, but it is all intertwined with subtle words, deeds and signals.

If there was any doubt about where the Obama administration stands on Israel, this snub clears it all up. Obama is rock solidly on the Palestinian side. What he doesn't get-or doesnt care about-as retired Cononel Ralph Peters eloquently pointed out today on Fox- is that while Israel desires to live in peace with its neighbors, the Palestinians want to destroy Israel. Yet, it is the Israelis who are always supposed to make the concessions.

How sad it is to think that within a few more years, Obama may be describing Palestine and Iran as our two most stalwart allies.

Final point: Ten Barack Obamas couldn't make one Benjmain Netanyahu.

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