Saturday, March 27, 2010

Max Baucus Lets the Cat Out of the Bag

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT)now tells us that the health care bill is all about income redistribution (an "income shift"). He went on to explain that the "wealthy are way too wealthy". He said....

Well, here, you listen:

Baucus, like most Democrats, misses a couple of essential principles: First of all, you can redistribute till the cows come home, but at the end of the day, some people will have more than others for purely legitimate reasons, be it having more education, intelligence, character, initiative, ingenuity or willingness to work hard and save.

Secondly, as long as people make their money honestly, why should we begrudge them their wealth? Should we not want to strive to join them in their wealth, something this country has allowed people to do? Now, you will make it much harder to rise into a higher economic class.

Baucus also forgets that in spite of our "wealth", Americans are the most generous people on the planet. Nobody gives more to charity and disaster relief-here or abroad-than Americans. Economics 101 tells us that the more money we have (and can keep for ourselves), the more we contribute to charity.

But these common sense ideas are lost on socialists like Baucus and his fellow-Democrats. They would rather engage in class-envy and demonize "the rich". Of course, their definition of the rich is anyone making enough money that they don't have to depend on the government for their survival. The truth is that the Democrats, who are mostly all socialists now-if not Marxists-want the whole country to depend on their largess. That translates into power.

I am not arguing against the government having a safety net for those of us who are unable to make a living due to factors such as illness, mental incapacity or other reasons. Certainly, there are those that we and the government must lend a helping hand to. What the Democrats are doing, however, is destroying an old tradition of American culture-that of independence and willingness to work hard. Once we lose that, it will be darn near impossible to recapture it.

Ask the Eastern Europeans. For that matter, ask the Western Europeans.


  1. as long as people make their money honestly, why should we begrudge them their wealth?

    Why do you have so much faith that they're all making their money so honestly? Is it honest to deny people health coverage because of "pre-existing" conditions that have little to do with what currently ails them?

    The crazy thing to me is that you, and so many other so-called conservatives, like to call yourselves Christians - and your prophet spoke so much about giving to the poor. He was the original "redistribute the wealth" advocate. And why? Because he (or the people telling the stories about him, more like) understood that if a society is to function, everybody has to play a part. As some will always have more wealth, it is their duty to help those who are in need. Otherwise, society will eventually crumble when you have a small minority that controls all of the wealth.

    The truth is that the Democrats, who are mostly all socialists now-if not Marxists-want the whole country to depend on their largess. That translates into power.

    Do you know what I'm learning from all this? You "conservatives" don't understand what socialism or Marxism even is. You just like to throw those words around because they sound so ominous. Bryan, an admitted socialist, used to call you out on this all the time. If these Democrats were so socialist, then why aren't the REAL socialists supporting them? These assertions that you guys make don't even pass the most simple test of logic.

    But it's not just this - it's the entire "conservative" philosophy. Have a strong opinion without any facts. It's just like the global warming debate. You guys prove time and time again that you don't even understand what it is. (You know, like when you give your "We're having a cold winter! Therefore, no global warming!" arguments - something that nobody who actually understands the issue would take seriously.)

    It'd be funny if this attitude wasn't so prevalent.

  2. Nobody likes the way insurance companies operate, but they are regulated by the 50 individual states, not the federal government. Thus change must come from that direction.

    Why do you assume that all wealth is gotten by illegal means? Most wealthy people in the US are quiet about their wealth, they live very middle class lives, donating the majority of their wealth to their children, grandchildren, and charities.

  3. You miss the point. What is it the top 10% pay 50% of the taxes? Wealth enables people like Bill Gates to give billions to charity. I don't assume all made their wealth honestly, but for those that did, God bless' em.

    Yes, as Christians, we should give to those in need and most of us do-gladly and with no force from the govt. The less we have, however, the less we can contribute.

    Who are the real socialists who aren't supporting Dems? Do they vote for Republicans? Not likely.

  4. Why do you assume that all wealth is gotten by illegal means?

    When did I try to make this point?

    Who are the real socialists who aren't supporting Dems? Do they vote for Republicans? Not likely.

    You are aware that there is an American socialist party, right? And you are aware that putting money toward helping corporations (which Obama did) is pretty antithetical to socialist values, right?

    He's not a socialist. If you think he, and the Dems are, then you don't know what the word means. You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own definitions of words.

  5. Lance,

    He sure isn't a free market capitalist.

  6. Oh, come on, Gary. If he wasn't, then why would Microsoft, IBM, General Electric, etcetera contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to his campaign if he's not a capitalist? That makes absolutely no sense at all!

    There's an old saying that if you repeat a lie often enough - no matter how absurd - it becomes the truth. This whole "Obama is a Marxist/Socialist!" mantra is the perfect example of that. You guys say it so much that you don't even stop to think about it.

  7. Lance,

    All you have to do is look at what is happening around you. Look at the wackos he is putting into office.

  8. Correction. All I have to do is look at that and COMPLETELY IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE. Then it makes perfect sense.
