Sunday, March 28, 2010

BBC Report: US May Not Veto Israel Condemnation

The BBC is reporting that a high-level Obama administration official told the Qatari foreign minister that the US may seriously consider abstaining-not vetoing a UN resolution condemning Israel over the construction in Jerusalem.

Historically, the US has vetoed the never-ending, one-sided resolutions against Israel coming out of the UN. Coupled with recent diplomatic events, this would come as another troubling sign that our relationship with Israel is seriously deteriorating.


  1. I hope you are right. Could be that just the leaking of this info is meant as another slap in the face.

  2. Not when you look at the church he went to for 20 years. He recently sat down at the White House with both Louis Farahkan and Rev. Wright. Both advocate the genocide of the Jews.

  3. Gary, you hope she is right?

    You both scare me.

  4. Ingrid,

    I know you don't like Israel, but have you ever thought about the fact that while Israel would be content to live in peace, her enemies are bound and determined to destroy her? I recommend that you read the Hamas charter and what it says. I have previously described it. The anti-Jew hatred in the ME is white hot and is Koran-based.

    If there is no Israel, where can Jews live peacefully without having to confront anti-Semitism every day?


  5. He recently sat down with Farrakhan and Wright? When the heck did this happen? I tried a brief search, but I couldn't find anything.

    And Wright advocates for genocide of the Jews? I know he's nutty, but when has he ever said that? Shoot, I don't even think that Farrakhan has said that - although I will give it to you that he's a raving anti-Semite.

    And what exactly do you guys know about Wright's services beyond that ten second clip that Fox News showed over and over again? I've pointed out before that I read from somebody who attended their services several times, and he did not characterize it the way you guys do. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to go there either, as it seems to be all the touchy-feely bullcrap that you get from any church.

    The fact of the matter is that it's an insanely huge leap to jump from Obama not vetoing a condemnation to saying that he wants to wipe out all Jews.

    Gary, is this really somebody who you want on your side?

  6. Lance,

    Are you trying to divide me from my allies?

    I have not heard those things, but here is what I will say. Farrakhan and Wright are anti-white, anti-American and anti-Jew. Wright makes dumb comments everytime he is interviewed including a few days ago.

    Obama's relationship with Wright and his church was a dsigrace and should have excluded him from the presidency.

    As for the Israel/Palestinian issue, it is clear to me that he favors the Palestinians. He is not on the Israelis side.

  7. The Farakhans were last in the WH on 1/29/10

    Louis was scheduled for the "Science Club" I kid you not.

    Wright's last visit was on 2/26/10 for his 5th group tour of the WH

    BTW dear old Bill Ayers, you know the guy he really didn't know well, just another guy around the block. His last visit to the WH was on 12/30/09.

    For the record: No other sitting President of the United States ever met with, let alone would invite Farahkan to the White House. The man is a bigot, racist who dreams of killing all the Jews in the world.

  8. Even if you can make the case that he's not on the side of Israel, there is still a HUGE gap between that and saying that he wants all Jews to be destroyed.

  9. Ayers and Wright are listed as being part of "group tours". I'm pretty sure that I could take part in a group tour of the White House if I wanted to do that. As for Farrakhan - Science Club Members? I don't even know what that is. And this certainly doesn't mean that Obama himself met with him.

    Also, with a little further digging, there wasn't even a check-in time for Farrakhan, which leads me to believe that he never even showed up. With Ayers, there are three guys there with that name. How can you be sure that it's THE Bill Ayers that has you guys all paranoid?

    And shoot...just rechecked the Wright thing...there are four "Jeremy" Wrights. Isn't his name Jeremiah? Sure, Jeremy is a variation on that name - but come on! Why wouldn't he use his real name? And if he was trying to be sneaky, couldn't he do better than that?

    This doesn't prove squat.

  10. Lance,

    I wrote on this a few months ago. The White House released a visitors list which included the above names, but they were not ones we all know.

    What it appeared to be was a clever trap to get conservatives to jump on it. One blogger did some digging and exposed it.

  11. Ingrid,

    I won't go into the myriad of details here, but I sincerely believe that Israel has been victim of a long campaign of lies that the public has bought into.

  12. What it appeared to be was a clever trap to get conservatives to jump on it. One blogger did some digging and exposed it.

    Wait a second and let me see if I can get this straight. You're saying that the White House put this list out, knowing that conservatives would jump on it, and then liberals would later do a little bit of fact-checking and see that there's not really anything to it?

    Really? Is that what you're saying?

    And it seems as though conservatives have indeed jumped on it. It just happened here in this thread!

  13. Gary, it goes both ways. Many years ago a dear Jewish friend of mine said "the Palestinians are vermin and need to be exterminated", that was the end of our friendship. I have heard plenty from both sides and they are ALL wrong.
    I think the US needs to do what is good for the US and not what is best for Israel.

  14. Ingrid,

    Obviously, I don't agree with that statement. But what is it that would be good for the US? To walk away from Israel? To grease the skids like we did with the shah of Iran? To completely take the Palestinian side? That, of course, would be very convenient.

    Neville Chamberlain thought he was doing what was best for England when he threw Czechoslovakia under the bus in 1938.
