Thursday, October 22, 2009

In Defense of Dick Cheney-An Honorable Man

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Dick Cheney in recent weeks-especially since he began speaking out and defending the actions of the Bush administration in the war on terror and criticizing the Obama administration as well. Certainly, Cheney's words and criticism, such as his speech last night at the Center for Security Policy, in which he took the Obama administration to task, are ticking off a lot of people on the left.

Of course, many say it is unseemly for a former president or vice-president to criticize the current administration, and I have gone after Jimmy Carter for his criticism of succeeding presidents. While acknowledging my own political bias, I think Cheney's words are justified.

First of all, Cheney is defending himself. Since leaving office, he personally has been attacked as some sort of Darth Vader presiding over dark actions behind closed doors post 9-11. Many on the left, like the loons at MSNBC, are openly clamoring for his indictment as a war criminal over such things as what he did or did not have a hand in pertaining to enhanced interrogation methods against terrorist prisoners, water boarding, renditions and all that nonsense. Why should the man not come out and defend his actions in the war on terror? Does he stand silently by while people trash him as some of latter day Nazi? No, he has every right to come out swinging.

Secondly, Cheney is defending an honorable cause-fighting to defeat terrorists who are attempting to hit us with more 9-11s and slaughter thousands of innocents on our own streets. I maintain that he and President Bush have nothing to apologize for in fighting back after 9-11. The day will come when history recognizes this, but apparently it will have to wait while the media, the left and current powers in Washington have their day.

Now we even read about a bunch of numb skull musicians complaining because they have somehow learned that their music was used to "torture" terrorist prisoners at Gitmo. (What does that say about their music?) Yes, folks, we subjected the poor terrorists at Gitmo to loud metal and rap late at night, and now the artists who recorded it are mad.

Finally, Cheney, aside from defending himself, is defending the unknown men and women who have protected us from other would-be attacks, and make no mistake, they have prevented attacks. Yet, instead of thanking them, a segment of our society wants to stigmatize them and prosecute them as war criminals. It is shameful. Cheney knows that he is also arguing the case in defense of those heroes, and I credit him for doing so.

It is outrageous that such a large segment of American society wants to turn against those who have fought and are fighting to protect us from an evil enemy force that seeks to destroy us. Dick Cheney is an honorable man who has served his country well.


  1. Cheney is right, Obama should not be dithering in regards to Afghanistan. He and Bush didn't dither at all when it came to invading Iraq or having any kind of post-invasion "plan," and that worked out quite wonderfully!

    Oh and they also certainly didn't dither at all in the roughly 7 years after invading Afghanistan. No siree Bob.

    You tell 'em, Cheney!
