Monday, April 27, 2009

Taliban Execution in Pakistan

This footage was captured by cell phone and smuggled out of Pakistan. It shows the Taliban in Pakistan executing a man and a woman for allegedly having an affair.

For those of you who think that the West should make accommodations to Shariah law, watch this film.

To those of you who question the war on terror, watch this film.

To those of you who want to prosecute Americans for conducting or authorizing water boarding, watch this film.

And remember that the Taliban is now 60 miles from the Pakistani capital of Islamabad-and its nuclear weapons.

Wake up.


  1. Gary,
    Sad but how true, this sort of thing happens daily in these countries, yet I am still amazed everyday when people in the country especially those in power seemingly find the need to over and over say that Islam is not violent. I am amazed that our leadership thinks it can negotiate with a country in Iran whose leader believes he is the John the Baptist of the Muslim faith (just to clarify, John the Baptist paved the way for Christ and Ahmadinejad is attempting through violence to pave the way for the 12th Imam or the Mahdi)

    When will the west wake up and take notice for real?

    I fear that we won't until we have compromised our rights and laws in the name of Political Correctness and equal rights for everyone. Well at least Bill Maher will be happy!

    Have a great day friend!

  2. Faithful remnant,

    Actually I am having a great day. I am just finished writing about the NYC flyover.

    It doesn't get any better.
