Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kalifornia Budget Update-No Budget- No Update

According to my records, the last time I wrote about the failure of Sacramento to pass a state budget was February 4. Guess what! Still no budget (as if I care).

The way things stand now, the pols in Sacramento are one vote shy (1 Republican vote) of passing a budget with 14 billion in tax increases. So now, the Democratic leadership has instituted a lockdown of the capitol until a budget is passed. Lawmakers have now brought in sleeping bags and reportedly the Sergeant at Arms has confiscated the keys of the lawmakers. Democrats are adamant about tax hikes and most Republicans are adamant about not raising taxes and cutting spending.

If you think given the huge budget deficit facing California some sort of tax increase is reasonable, consider this:

California has the highest state income tax in the nation.

We also have the highest sales tax in the nation.

We also pay the highest gas tax in the nation plus an extra 50 cents per
gallon for a special ingredient that is "saving the environment".

California has the highest business tax in the West, which is resulting in businesses leaving the state in droves and taking their jobs with them.

Nevertheless, it isn't enough.

"Make it more!"

The problem is out-of-control spending. And what are we paying for, you ask?

Tens of millions a year for illegal aliens in the form of social services, medical care, education and incarceration costs for the criminal element among them.

Unions. And that is huge. Which unions? The teachers union, prison guard union and state employees unions.

Worried about the rising cost of health care? There's a solution. Get yourself incarcerated in California and you will get free health care that exceeds what the folks on the outside are getting. All that is being "upgraded" as we speak to the tune of about 100 million.

And what is our illustrious governor, Arnold Kennedy-Schwarzenegger doing during all this?

If I were a Republican lawmaker in Sacramento, I would hit the Sergeant of Arms over the head, get my car keys back and head to Mexico for a year's vacation. At this point, I could care less if California has a budget.

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