Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who is the "Queen of the Whores"?

"Who's in charge here?"

One of my old DEA colleagues used to tell the story of when he was an agent in Newark during the Watergate scandal (before Nixon resigned). On one occasion, he and a partner were at the local women's jail interviewing a prisoner about a drug case. Sometime during the interview, the topic of Watergate came up, and my colleague asked the woman if she thought Nixon was involved or had knowledge of the criminal activities. The woman's answer was classic:

"I may not have a whole lotta education, honey, but I know one thing; you don't get to be queen of the whores by bein' no virgin."

This has all been brought back to me in the last 36 hours following the arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagoyevich on federal corruption charges. Speculation is rampant over how much involvement Barack Obama did or didn't have with Blagoyevich in naming a replacement for his Senate seat. The central point at this juncture is taped conversations where Blagoyevich refers to "Candidate number 1", who Obama was recommending but not promising anything other than "appreciation" (which in politics can be a loaded term).

While no smoking gun has come out against Obama, it is obvious to any savvy observer that Obama is the one person who has risen to the highest level out of the old Chicago Democratic machine of politics. Fairly or unfairly, a lot of people are wondering-especially today- if he could have risen to where he is with clean hands.

Yesterday, he was asked if he had had contact with Blagoyevich regarding the Senate seat replacement. He stated that he had not. Then it was revealed that David Axelrod was on video November 23 advising reporters that the two were in contact regarding the replacement. Avelrod has now issued a statement to the effect that he misspoke.

Today, the LA Times asked Obama pointedly if he or any of his Representatives-including Rahm Emanuel- had discussed the matter of a Senate replacement with Blagoyevich. Obama cut the question off and stated that it would not be appropriate to talk about the matter.

Red flag? Possibly.

In fairness, I should add at this point that what Blagoyevich is quoted as saying on the tapes about Obama has to be considered exculpatory since the Governor explicitly stated that the Obama people were not willing to give money to get their preferred candidate selected ("Candidate number 1"). Yet, Obama could (and probably will) find himself being subject to an interview by the FBI and/or called to testify. If so, he needs to tell the truth-or become part of a cover-up (if there is anything for him to cover up).

And finally, today, Jesse Jackson Jr. appeared at a press conference with his attorney. He confirmed that he was "Candidate number 5", but vigorously denied being part of any "pay for play" scheme or having done anything illegal. He said he wrongfully assumed that he would be judged solely on his merit and qualifications for the Senate seat.

Isn't that the way it's always done in Illinois politics? I'm also wondering how Jackson knew he was "Candidate number 5" and not possibly "Candidate 2, 3, or 4".

Only time will tell if Governor Blagoyevich is the "Queen of the Whores", or if it goes higher.


  1. Blago isn't the queen, it goes higher. I see Emanuel as the next one being charged. Don't rule out Jackson (Junior or Senior). And finally His Anointed One will be indicted. We might see a first! A sitting POTUS finishing his term behind bars in the Fed. Pen.

  2. If you notice the question posed to Obama by the LA Times, it may just be that Rahm was the one who dimed Blago out on the Senate seat scandal.
