Saturday, December 13, 2008

Two Voices in Britain

Anjem Choudary

If you want to get your blood boiling, read the below article. Then check out the blog, "Lionheart" to see the double standard that exists in Britain when it comes to free speech.

"RANTING Anjem Choudary launched an astonishing anti-British tirade as terror experts warned yesterday of a Mumbai-style massacre in Britain.

The hate preacher called for apartheid in the UK just days after backing the killers in India. And his supporters threatened to unleash 'blood on the streets'.

Experts said the chance of a terror attack here has increased since last week’s gun rampage in Mumbai left nearly 200 dead.

Choudary, 41, spoke at a packed public meeting called “Not So Great Britain”.

It was held at a council-owned arts centre in Southall, Middlesex, by – a website he founded with banned hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammad.


He branded Britain “filthy”, accused children of being “prostitutes” and demanded non-Muslims wear signs like the Nazis forced on the Jews in WWII.

Crazed Choudary said: “In Britain there are 230 rapes every day, that’s 10 per hour. Supermarkets are selling poles for little children so they can become prostitutes when they grow up. There’s no comparison between our way of life and theirs.

“In an Islamic state, non-Muslims will have to wear a sign to show what they are – it should say Kaffir. We won’t discriminate on height, race or appearance but we will discriminate on faith.” Earlier, Bakri spoke via videophone from Lebanon.

Meanwhile, one of Choudary’s henchmen at Islam4UK, which has close links to banned group al-Muhajiroun, warned: “You will know when the Muslims have ignited an insurrection when there is blood on the streets of London and New York like there is blood on the streets of Fallujah and Mumbai.”

MP Patrick Mercer, the chairman of the Commons counter-terrorism committee, warned: “What can happen in Mumbai can just as well happen in Manchester or Birmingham.

“This style of attack is something we would find very difficult to deal with.”

* Last week 99 per cent of Daily Star readers called for Choudary to be booted out of Britain and police pledged to crack down on his rants."
By Tom Savage and Josh Layton, Daily Star, November 28, 2008

The above article in the Daily Star (UK) just about sums it up. While madmen like Anjem Choudary go off on their rants, praise the atrocity in Mumbai, and threaten murder, those in Britain who speak out, like the blogger Lionhheart, are threatened with prison for "stirring up hatred", a newly enacted law that seems to exclude seditious Muslims who preach openly about Islam taking over the UK and beheading anyone who has a problem with Islam.

As this is being written, Lionheart is in hiding outside of Britain. He faces arrest if and when he returns to the UK-that is if the police get to him before Choudary's fanatical followers in Islam4UK. And what is his crime? On his blog, "Lionheart", he warns of the impending takeover of Britain by fanatical Muslims who want to install Shariah as the legal authority in the land. It matters not that Choudary and his crazy followers promise that blood will run through the streets of British cities. It only matters to the cowardly British authorities that Lionheart warns them about what is coming.

It seems reason and common sense have been turned upside down in the UK.


  1. And this will happen here too if we do not act quickly.

    Lionheart should be knighted for his courage not incarcerated. But the British have become Dhimmis and will do whatever their Muslim masters demand.

  2. "Do you want your children to become Jewish drug and sex slaves? It is each of our individual and collective responsibilities to act now before it is too late…."

  3. Bryan,

    I know the path you are trying to go with this, but more posts like this, and people will think Bryan is an associate of Moses on Red County. They won't know the context you are trying to put it in because everyone with any sense knows that Jews are not engaged in this kind of activity.

  4. Bryan,

    You are not the first person to warn me about Lionheart. I don't know anything about the BNP. Wikipedia says it's anti-Immigration policy is focused on Islamic immigrants. I don't know how much you are aware of the siutation in UK with people like Choudary, but while not wanting to paint all Muslims in the UK with the same wide brush, they do have a serious problem there.

    As for Lionheart, I don't follow everything he says, but to prosecute him while Muslim clerics and their followers publicly call for murdering people in UK seems very troubling. If I were British, I would be calling for the immediate expulsion of any immigrant who causes trouble. Leave the innocent Muslims alone, but no tolerence for the radicals who are literally trying to turn that country into an Islamic caliphate.

  5. Gary, you're telling me the fact that Lionheart says to support an anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying, whites only political party doesn't give you ANY cause for concern? Look I understand if you want to support the guy on the principle of free speech. But you're not, otherwise you'd be supporting the Muslim extremists right to free speech as well.

    Also, the same law has been used to charge Muslims.

  6. Uh, Gary, did you read the article? There's an entire section devoted to the BNP's anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Here is a direct link to that section, if that helps.

    Again, this is who Lionheart is aligned with. He urges his readers to vote for and support the BNP.

  7. Bryan,

    It's rather long, and I am under the weather today, but I'll get to it today. I am vaguely aware of Nick Griffin.

  8. Oh I'm sorry to hear that, Gary. I hope you feel better soon!

  9. Bryan,

    You might want to check out what is happening right now in Malmo, Sweden-and what has been going on there for quite some time.
