Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Ad From National Black Republican Association

Below is a thought-provoking article from the National Black Republican Association, which is a conservative group opposed to Barack Obama's agenda.


A cartoon created for the NBRA by Brett Noel provides a chilling look at the future of black Americans under an Obama Administration as "Socialist Slaves" dependent on government handouts on the Democratic Party's economic plantation. As a corrupt Chicago "Community Organizer" for 20 years, Obama produced unlivable slums and wants to repeat his failure for the rest of America.

"Democracy is the road to socialism."
- Karl Marx

"We say that it may be possible in the U.S. to bring socialism through peaceful means. Perhaps through the ballot box. One thing is clear, there won't be socialism in the U.S. until the majority of the American people want it."
- The Communist Party USA

Join the NBRA Save the Dream Team

We have launched our "Save the Dream" campaign and put up our first billboard in Orangeburg, South Carolina. You can help save the USA from being changed into the United Socialist America. Become an NBRA grassroots "Eagle Eye" and make your voice heard. Contact Congress and the White House, write letters to the editor, call radio talk shows, pass on our NBRA newsletters and refer people to our website. You are the frontline in the battle to save America. Sign up now at: and get your Eagle Eye T-shirt from the NBRA online store. Join our NBRA Save the Dream Team today and just say no to Socialism!

Photo of our Orangeburg "Save the Dream" Billboard

In the News

Poll: Black Dems near GOP on moral issues – This is an article that shows the folly in the calls by "moderates" for the Republican Party to abandon its conservative base and veer to the left in order to attract more blacks into the party. The Gallup poll shows that on a number of moral issues, such as gay relations, blacks are aligned more closely with Republican views.

How Obama Got Elected - Interviews With Obama Voters is a video that exposes how Obama supporters lack even basic knowledge about politics and Obama, the man for whom they voted.

FBI: Illinois Governor Sought To "Sell" Obama's Senate Seat By Brian Ross is an article that shows the unfolding drama about Obama's senate seat sale scandal.

Are we not to see the obvious? It is obvious and logical that Barack Obama who is vacating his Illinois senate seat to become president talked about his replacement with the governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, who has the power to appoint Obama's replacement. Now, if that did not happen, Obama is either stupid or clueless. Since Obama is neither stupid nor clueless, then Obama must think that the American people are stupid enough to believe him when he looked us in the eye on camera and said he had "no contact" with Blagojevich. Such a blatant lie by Obama -- in the face of the fact that his chief political strategist, David Axelrod, said that Obama had "multiple" conversations with Blagojevich about the senate seat replacement -- means that Obama has something to hide. Recall how Bill Clinton had something to hide in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Lewinsky's semen-stained blue dress proved that Clinton lied when he said he had no "sexually relations" with Lewinsky. Is there a metaphorical "blue dress' hidden in Obama's scandal-ridden closet?

In the wake of the arrest of Blagojevich and his chief of staff for corruption and conspiring to profit from the Governor's ability to appoint Obama's successor, Obama is duty bound to uphold his transparency pledge and release all records of discussions between the Obama-Biden transition office and Blagojevich regarding the appointment of Obama's successor to the United States Senate. We, the American people, deserve no less. We certainly do not deserve to have Obama, who is a lawyer like Bill Clinton, bamboozle the American people by hiding behind the technical definition of the word "inappropriate" as a way to put up a smoke screen around his contacts with Blagojevich.

Blagojevich Arrested by FBI, Michelle is a "specifically named individual" in the Complaint – A video about the Obama scandal from an average concerned American.

The Impatient Mr. Fitzgerald By Paul R. Hollrah is an article that explores two critical questions. First, why did Obama resign his Illinois senate seat so early, and finally, why was U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald so uncharacteristically impatient to arrest the Governor of Illinois and his chief of staff? What was so compelling about this scandal that makes it different from the scandalous behavior of every big city Democratic machine in America? Was there a hidden agenda to protect Obama? As Rush Limbaugh noted, while Jesus walked on water, Obama seems to walk on cesspools.

Fred Thompson on the Economy - A video that explains in common sense terms how our economic crisis happened, who is responsible and how it will get worse under Obama's socialism.

Is Obama a Marxist? You decide.

Making the World Safe for Marxism By Randall Hoven provides startling evidence demonstrating that Obama was essentially a "red diaper baby" who was raised and educated by Marxists to be Marxist.

Hoven's article shows that Barack Obama's ideological mindset can be understood by taking a look at Obama's deeds, radical associations and words in his two books. Based on his legislative actions, Obama's voting record was the most liberal in the U.S. Senate for 2007, even more left than Bernie Sanders, a self-declared socialist. The roots of both socialism and communism can be traced to Karl Marx, the co-author of the Communist Manifesto. Marx formally launched the first meeting of the Socialist International (SI) and devised its structure, according to Pierre Mauroy, president of SI from 1992 to 1996. In his books, Obama reveals that his childhood mentor was" Frank", aka Frank Marshall Davis, an acknowledged communist. Obama also admits that he attended "socialist conferences" and read Marxist literature. While in college, Obama took classes taught by Marxists and personally sought out Marxists. In his book, "Dreams from my Father", Obama wrote: "To avoid being mistaken for such a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk rock performance poets." Obama spent 20 years in Chicago where he sought out radicals, including the anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, an unrepentant domestic terrorist who calls himself a communist. It was in Ayers' home where Obama kicked off his run for elective office. If Obama acts like a Marxist, talks like a Marxist, and associates with Marxists, what is he? Don't birds of a feather flock together?

Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special – A multi-part video that provides an in-depth look into Obama's radical associations, demonstrating how the liberal media failed to provide the scrutiny of Obama accorded all other presidential candidates.

The 2009 Republican Freedom Calendar

This calendar presented by the Fredrick Douglass Foundation promises to be a keeper that has captured numerous historical events. Featured in the calendar are the 2008 elections of Dr. Ada Fisher (NC), Bishop Keith Butler (MI) and Businessman Glen McCall (SC) to the Republican National Committee. Also included are State Representative Jennifer Carroll (R-FL) who ran unopposed, Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) who became Louisiana's first Indian American governor and immigration attorney Anh "Joseph" Cao (R-LA) who became the first Vietnamese American elected to serve in Congress and the first Republican to hold that seat since 1891. The calendar will serve as your daily reminder that the Republican Party has and will continue to be the vanguards for human rights, independent thinkers and the party best capable for translating new and innovative ideals into action. Order your 2009 Republican Freedom Calendar today by going to website where you can also see a sample version.

More Black Republican Achievements – Congratulations to all of the other black Republicans who were elected to leadership positions across the country, our new generation of Republicans to lead our Party. Included are Mary Amonitti who won the presidency for the Republican Women of Southern Beaufort County, South Carolina. Pearl Burris Floyd became the first African-American female to be elected to the North Carolina House of Representatives. Tim Scott who defeated two other candidates and became the first African American Republican to be elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives since Reconstruction. Lawrence Boschulte who won reelection for the Board of Elections and is currently the only elected Republican in the Virgin Islands. They join other black Republican luminaries, many of whom are highlighted in the four edition of our magazine, The Black Republican, that are posted on our NBRA website.

NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter – Click here or visit the NBRA website to see our online newsletter with information that dispels the myth of Republican racism.

"The Drama of Obama" by Wayne Perryman is a book that shows how it was the consistent efforts of the Republican Party that paved the way for our nation's first black president and for all black elected officials. While the Democrats were fighting and giving their lives to maintain the institution of slavery and deny blacks civil rights through Jim Crow, Republicans were literally giving their lives to eliminate both slavery and Jim Crow. From the development of our first historical black colleges, to the contributions of George W. Bush, African Americans and women have been the benefactors of the Republicans' consistent efforts on their behalf. This impressive history is captured in Wayne Perryman's highly endorsed books: "The Drama of Obama", "Unveiling the Whole Truth" and "Unfounded Loyalty". Visit Perryman website at: and click on "products" to order your copies of his books.

Getting Beyond Race
By Walter E. Williams

Despite the fact that President-elect Barack Obama's vision for our nation leaves a lot to be desired, the fact that he was elected represents a remarkable national achievement. When the War of 1861 ended, neither a former slave nor slave owner would have believed it possible for a black to be elected president in a mere century and a half, if ever. I'm sure that my grandparents, born in the 1880s, or my parents, born in the 1910s, would not have believed it possible for a black to be president and neither did I for most of my 72 years.

That's not the only progress. If one totaled black earnings, and consider blacks a separate nation, he would have found that in 2005 black Americans earned $644 billion, making them the world's 16th richest nation. That's just behind Australia but ahead of Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland. Black Americans have been chief executives of some of the world's largest and richest cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Gen. Colin Powell, appointed Joint Chief of Staff in October 1989, headed the world's mightiest military and later became U.S. Secretary of State, and was succeeded by Condoleezza Rice, another black. A few black Americans are among the world's richest people and many are some of the world's most famous personalities. These gains, over many difficult hurdles, speak well not only of the intestinal fortitude of a people but of a nation in which these gains were possible. They could not have been achieved anywhere else.

Acknowledgement of these achievements is not to deny that a large segment of the black community faces enormous problems. But as I have argued, most of today's problems have little or nothing to do with racial discrimination. That's not to say that every vestige of racial discrimination has been eliminated but as my colleague Dr. John McWhorter said in "End of Racism?" Forbes (11/5/08), "There are also rust and mosquitoes, and there always will be. Life goes on." The fact that the nation elected a black president hopefully might turn our attention away from the false notion that discrimination explains the problems of a large segment of the black community to the real problems that have absolutely nothing to do with discrimination.

The illegitimacy rate among blacks stands at about 70 percent. Less than 40 percent of black children are raised in two-parent households. Those are major problems but they have nothing to do with racial discrimination. During the early 1900s, illegitimacy was a tiny fraction of today's rate and black families were just as stable as white families. Fraudulent education is another problem, where the average black high school senior can read, write and compute no better than a white seventh-grader. It can hardly be blamed on discrimination. Black schools receive the same funding as white schools and most of the teachers and staffs are black and the schools are often in cities where the mayor and the city council are mostly black. Crime is a major problem. Blacks commit about 50 percent of all homicides and 95 percent of their victims are blacks.

Tragically, many black politicians and a civil rights industry have a vested interest in portraying the poor socioeconomic outcomes for many blacks as problems rooted in racial discrimination. One of the reasons they are able to get away with such deception is because there are so many guilt-ridden white people. Led by guilt, college administrators, employers and others in leadership positions, in the name of diversity, buy into nonsense such as lowering standards, racial preferences and acceptance of behavior standards they wouldn't accept from whites. Maybe the election of a black president will help white people over their guilt feelings so they can stop acting like fools in their relationships with black people.


  1. I'm sorry, but the more I read from this group, the nuttier I think that they are. Can we give the Marxism thing a rest? It's plain stupid. If Obama's a Marxist, then Bush is a Nazi. You can play the same stupid little games with that as well.

  2. Looks like the same old lunatic ramblings. I hope these kinds of conservatives enjoy their journey into political irrelevance.

  3. YOU WROTE:"In his books, Obama reveals that his childhood mentor was" Frank", aka Frank Marshall Davis, an acknowledged communist."

    Obama did NOT reveal that his childhood mentor was "Frank," aka Frank Marshall Davis, an acknowledged communist." This is disinformation, which ignores the fact that as an older teen, Obama didn't even visit Davis for three years. Obama's book indicates he was family friend whom he only visited occasionally. Further, Davis was a closet communist, so Obama would not have known of his association with the CPUSA.

    A disinformation campaign, spearheaded by Cliff Kincaid's "Accuracy In Media" (AIM), exaggerates Davis's radical influence on teenage Obama. The Obama campaign specifically refuted this fraudulent meme, which deliberately misrepresents the relationship as "almost like a son." A painstakenly documented analysis of this disinformation campaign is posted as "specific misrepresentation" at .

  4. lance,

    I'm not sure I agree with every single point, but there is a seedling of doubt on Obama's real views.

  5. Kaleokaloha,

    So you refer me to Barack Obama's official website for the straight skinny? Gimme a break!

    As for this guy Davis, I didn't write anything. I put up a post by the NBRA that said it. Maybe you should write to them.

    It seems you are arguing over minor point regarding Davis and his relationship with him. The point is that Obama has associated with these people his whole life-and he seeks them out. From Davis to Wright to Pfleger to Rezko to Khalidi to Ayres to Blagoyevich.

    So what is Davis-just another guy in the neighborhood?

  6. So what is Davis-just another guy in the neighborhood?

    Gary, that's another tired conservative meme. True, Obama said that in regards to Ayers. However, he then proceeded to say a bunch of other stuff.

  7. Lance,

    It's just that Obama has such a track record of bad associations, and there's a lame excuse for each one.

  8. Obama will leave the US in worse shape than it is today. There will be massive unemployment, higher taxes, and a debt double the one Bush created.

    The one good thing is that everyone in the US will be on welfare. The bad thing is that everyone in the US will be on welfare.

  9. Well, except Obama never used the word "just", which changes the entire meaning of the phrase.

  10. YOU WROTE: "So you refer me to Barack Obama's official website for the straight skinny? Gimme a break!"

    RESPONSE: As a matter of fact, I personally conducted the painstakenly documented analysis of this right-wing disinformation, and I posted it on my blog on the Obama website. I invite every person of integrity to refute any of the falsehoods I have identified.

    YOU WROTE: "It seems you are arguing over minor point regarding Davis and his relationship with him."

    RESPONSE: The claim of mentorship is the basis of exaggerating Davis's radical influence. It is not a "minor point," unless the relationship is a "minor point." Accuracy In Media devoted considerable energy to this campaign.

    YOU WROTE: "So what is Davis-just another guy in the neighborhood?"

    RESPONSE: No, he was not just another guy in the neightborhood. No "lame excuse" here. His grandafther sought him out to provide young Obama with an ethnic perspective.

    BTW: Frank Marshall Davis was a Republican. He also was my father.

  11. Kaleokualoha,

    Thank you for illuminating me on your relationship with Davis.

    I am no expert on your father. I think it is safe to say that he was an activist who had some Communist connections if not was a communist himself. I don't know. I have just read some of the accusations from over the years. Far be it from me to decide.

    Considering his age, it is clear that he lived through the dark generations of our racial past. I always give more respect to the older generation of blacks when they describe their experiences with racism because they paid the dues.

    Being 63 I have witnessed the change America has made since the 60s. I wonder what your father would think now. (I note that he died in 81.)

    The reason why many are questioning the relationship with Obama-whatever it was is because there are so many other relationships that are troubling. First there was Wright-then there was Ayres-now Blogovich and the whole Chicago machine. I don't think Obama has been very forthcoming on his relationships with these folks.

    Many of us on the right (I am a conservative) feel we don't know who Obama really is and what his real plan for America is. I think a lot of people who voted for him don't really know who he is.

    I have not yet read your posting, but I will.

  12. Response to Kaleokualoha,

    I wasn't able to pull up the site you gave me on the Obama website, but I found many of your posts on Huffington Post etc. I think I see your thesis.

    I did not even know the name Cliff Kincaid until I saw your response, so I have checked into that and will read more.

    So, obviously you have an argument with Kincaid and this guy Alan Maki-and I guess the NBRA because they repeated the charge. And I guess me because I chose to post the NBRA articles. (As a conservative, I support black conservatives because I think it takes courage for them to go against the grain-for lack of a better term.)

    As for me, I don't know what the real relationship was that Obama had with your father and how much influence he had on him. If, in fact, your father had a close relationship and possibly influenced Obama in a Marxist direction-I think it is a legitimate question to be asked of the next president of the USA.

    I should add here that I am not one of those people "looking for a commie under bed." However, I have visted many countries that were under Communism (E Europe ex-USSR). Some of the countries I visited were under Communism at that time-others in the years after the change.) I came away convinced that economically and politically, it is a failed system, which requires an autocratic system to operate.

    (BTW-What is this Frank Marshall Davis Roundtable Forum that appears on Obama's website?)

    At any rate, had I gotten all this information before, I would have invited you for a beer at the Hofbrauhaus (We just returned from LV last night). And as an old Army vet to an AF vet-thank you for your service.

  13. Using the link at my first post, I was able to bring up my blog. Just be sure to leave off the final period. Here it is again:

    Here is the basic blog address in two lines (remember to eliminate spaces within the link):

    Here is the "Redbaiting Barack Obama" post link in two lines:

    As a last resort you can click on my name at the heading of this post. It links the general blog address.

    Alan Maki is just a CPUSA simpleton whom I initially suspected of being a shill for AIM based on his "Roundtable" post. Based on his subsequent actions, I later concluded that he is just a garden variety fool whom AIM used for their own purposes as "proof" of CPUSA support for Obama.

    The NBRA is hardly on my radar. Hundreds, if not thousands, of websites have picked up AIM's disinformation. Most bloggers innocently believed AIM's falsehoods. If you google "Kaleokualoha," you will see that I have conducted a one-man campaign to neutralize Kincaid's lies on many websites.

    Obama's "real relationship" with my father was outlined in his book. Edgar Tidwell, whom AIM's Cliff Kincaid cites as "an expert on the life and writings of Davis," demolishes right-wing misrepresentation of Davis's radical influence in one simple paragraph:

    "Although my research indicates that Davis joined the CPUSA as a "closet member" during World War II, there is no evidence that he was a Stalinist, or even a Party member before WWII. Further, to those attempting to make the specious stand for the concrete, there is no evidence that he instructed Barack Obama in communist ideology. Frank Marshall Davis did NOT believe in overthrowing the USA. He was committed to what the nation professed to be. For him, communism was primarily an intellectual vehicle to achieve a political end-a possible tool for gaining the constitutional freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL Americans."

    As the son of Frank Marshall Davis, I have been fighting a right-wing disinformation campaign, spearheaded by Cliff Kincaid's "Accuracy In Media" (AIM), that misrepresents the Davis-Obama relationship in an apparent attempt to exaggerate Obama's radical background. The AIM website is the source of the falsehoods regarding my father. The campaign consists of a series of small lies fabricated to support the big lie that "His values, passed on to Obama, were those of a communist agent who pledged allegiance to Stalin" (see

    If AIM had actual proof of my father's radical influence, there would be no reason to fabricate evidence. Frank Marshall Davis was almost lynched as a young boy. I cannot allow Cliff Kincaid to repeat history.

    Fortunately, Uncle Sam trained me to recognize and refute such lies. I am a retired Air Force Intelligence Officer, with specific CIA training in Deception Analysis at "The Farm" in 1989. Their "specific misrepresentation" is documented at, and I invite your readers of integrity to review my proof of AIM's deliberate misrepresentation. Please refute my analysis, if possible. I believe you will find that the case for AIM disinformation is ironclad.

  14. Mark,

    I will make it a point to go over this today. I'm a little homebound with the flu.

  15. Thanks for your consideration. I hope you feel better.

    To elaborate on Tidwell's statement, Frank Marshall Davis considered membership in the CPUSA as a vehicle and tool because, according to "The New Red Negro" (cited by AIM's Cliff Kincaid as a source):

    ONLY the Communist left had any significant institutional impact on African-American writing during the 1930s and 1940s. This support was crucial as the institutions that had maintained the New Negro Renaissance faded. And for better or for worse, the leading CPUSA functionaries involved in "Negro work" took a direct interest in African-American cultural production in a manner that was unusual, if not unique. Vilifying a writer for continuing to publish in CPUSA-supported publications, when they provided his only available institutional support, is completely unfair. Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and Frank Marshall Davis all took advantage of this institutional support.

    Further, as The New Red Negro makes clear, there was no monolithic Stalinist doctrine within the CPUSA: "This is not to say that the impact of the Communist Left on African-American writers in the 1930's and 1940's flowed from absolute unity of ideology and practical application of that ideology. As mentioned before, the CPUSA itself, despite the claims of both the party leadership and its most ardent detractors, contained various, often conflicting tendencies. This conflicts appeared within top leadership, where Earl Browder and William Z. Foster and their supporters were frequently at odds. They also surfaced in the regional leadership of important districts that were occasionally, and in the case of southern California frequently, in opposition to the national leadership. Finally, at the rank-and-file level, when leadership debates broke out into the open (as they did in 1929, 1956-1946, and 1956), the were replayed in almost every CPUSA unit, often serving as the vehicle for the expression of a wide range of "unorthodox" political beliefs (ranging from social democratic to anarcho-syndicalist."

    A huge proportion of African-American poets (and writers and intellectuals generally) remained engaged with the Communist Left and cultural institutions from at least the early 1930's until at least the early 1950's. With the partial exception of the period from the German invasion of the Soviet Union to the end of the Second World War, the CPUSA placed the issue of race and the fight against Jim Crow near the center of all its work.

    The bottom line is that communist ties were the NORM for African American poets and civil right activists during that period. Such ties did not mean that they internalized Marxist values, much less Stalinist values, even if they were aware of the distinction. To them, the CPUSA provided safe harbor from the ravages of Jim Crow America.


    - M

  16. Here's the link to The New Red Negro article. Hope it survives Blogger!

  17. Have you had a chance to review the material?

  18. Mark,

    Thank you for the follow-up.

    I had a hard time pulling up the Obama site material. I did read other writings by you to various sites. I think I get the gist of your point.

    It seems to be that your father was a "closet communist", which if I remember correctly, was your term. As I understand it, your argument was that, in spite of his communist leanings, he was a loyal American, his contacts with Obama have been exaggerated, and that he would not have tried to instill in Obama an anti-American feeling.

    Do I get that correctly?

  19. If you click on the "Mark Kaleokualoha Davis" link at the heading of my comments, my blog should appear for you. It certainly appears for me. I'm really interested in discovering the reason it doesn't work for you. Please advise as to what happens when you click on my name at the heading of my posts. Thanks!

    YOU WROTE: "As I understand it, your argument was that, in spite of his communist leanings, he was a loyal American, his contacts with Obama have been exaggerated, and that he would not have tried to instill in Obama an anti-American feeling."

    RESPONSE: He had no "communist leanings" per se, if you define "communist leanings" as advocating the replacement of capitalist with collectivism. He allied himself with communists because of the support they provided to the civil rights movement. Please read "The New Red Negro."

    Yes, he was a loyal American. His contacts with Obama have not only been exaggerated. His contacts and his character have been deliberately misrepresented to exaggerate his radical influence, in the same manner that the Bush administration deliberately misrepresented the threat from Iraq.

    Yes, "he would not have tried to instill in Obama an anti-American feeling." From my blog:

    Cliff Kincaid and his colleagues have accused Frank Marshall Davis (1905-1987) of being a Stalinist, a lifetime member of the Communist Party, and “Obama’s Communist Mentor.” Kincaid heads “Accuracy In Media” (A.I.M.), an organization dedicated to “fairness, balance and accuracy in news reporting.” Kincaid and his colleagues are all honorable men.

    Having asked Kincaid to substantiate some of his accusations, and having received no reply, one can only conclude that Kincaid must be preoccupied with more important questions, because Kincaid is an honorable man.

    Although the ironically named “Accuracy In Media” has yet to substantiate that Davis actually mentored Obama (a claim specifically rejected by the Obama campaign), such a relationship could have provided a bi-racial teenager with the key to success in mainstream America. To minimize criticism and maximize their potential, bi-racial African-Americans must walk a narrow identity path between group expectations. Davis was uniquely qualified to show the way. He may have significantly facilitated Obama’s vision of an inclusive society.

    Davis may have advised Obama that to succeed in mainstream America, African-Americans must consider worst-case scenarios without wearing a chip on their shoulders, even though this normally requires judgment borne through actual experience. They must learn to give others (such as Cliff Kincaid) the benefit of the doubt. Success within mainstream America requires that abusive behavior should be attributed to bias only when there is no other plausible explanation.

    Growing up in explicitly racist America, Davis learned never to immediately trust anybody white, but professional and personal familiarity nevertheless produced many warm interracial relationships. While one could plausibly argue that such stereotype activation is inherently racist, the recent expansion of “racist” to include such thought processes (as opposed to differential treatment) renders virtually everyone similarly culpable.

    Although his experience with Jim Crow may have “incurably” limited his expectations of contemporary America, he shared Dr. King’s dream of a color-blind society. He unequivocally rejected racism, and worked tirelessly in support of equal rights for all Americans. He recognized that although victims of racism may have a reason to hate their oppressors, such reasons do not become rights – a distinction often lost on his critics. Collective responsibility is a double-edged sword.

    Davis’s crusty radicalism may have perfectly counterbalanced Hawaii’s laid-back lifestyle for an African-American teenager destined for greatness. He provided coherent insight on African-American history, politics, and culture vis-à-vis mainstream America. Davis recognized the folly of cultural nationalism, including Black Separatist movements, long before meeting Obama. Obama’s grandfather may not have recognized the true value of his gift.

    Although he may have used CPUSA periodicals as a publishing tool in the 1930’s and 1940’s, along with contemporaries Richard Wright and Langston Hughes, he rejected communist ideology in general and specifically attacked Stalin. He supported a fully integrated mixed economy, because neither laissez–faire capitalism nor collectivism provide the greatest benefit for the greatest number. He also had a libertarian streak that may have made Ron Paul proud.

    Davis retired from activism by the 1970’s. His civil rights agenda had become the law of the land. He wrote little. Even if he had remained prolific, the burgeoning black publishing world obviated CPUSA periodical support for African-American writers. Further, the barbarity of communist regimes discredited the CPUSA and Marxist ideology. Newly divorced, he entered his golden years with glee.

    As an honorable man, Kincaid must be unaware that by the 1970’s, the twin forces of Hawaiian and hippie cultures had mellowed Davis to the point that “Stalinist” charges are especially absurd. By the early 1970’s, Davis had become a virtual teddy bear, a permanent fixture of the Koa Cottages in the “Waikiki Jungle,” noted for its counterculture residents. Davis was known as a kindly old man, usually sitting on his porch a few steps from Kuhio Avenue, waving at all that passed. Although he had little money, he was always willing to share with those in deeper need.

    As an honorable man, Cliff Kincaid must also be unaware that his portrayal of a raving Stalinist could not be further from the truth. Davis deeply loved the United States, despite his occasional flirtation with radical ideology. He recognized, perhaps belatedly, that the United States offers a unique combination of economic opportunity and personal freedom, thus providing sufficient strength and moral authority to champion human rights worldwide. If he HAD been so lucky, Barack Obama could not have found a finer mentor anywhere.
